Unknown compute style entropy/atom

Dear All,
I am facing problem while trying to implement compute entropy/atom command.
My command are as follows

compute 4 all rdf 200 * *
compute 7 all entropy/atom 0.25 4.5 avg yes 4.5

while running it I am getting error message like
ERROR: Unknown compute style entropy/atom (…/modify.cpp:1033)

Last command: compute 7 all entropy/atom 0.25 4.5 avg yes 4.5
Could you please help me to sort out the problem regarding the implementation of the command.

This means that said compute is not available in your lammps binary. It wasn’t compiled in because either your version is too old or the package compute entropy/atom is in is not installed.

You have to install USER-MISC for this compute. Please refer tutorials for further details.