Uploading data to MPContribs

I am trying upload data to MPContribs. I installed mpcontribs.client.
Now every time I try to run client.init_columns(columns)
I get the following error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mp.py", line 32, in <module>
  File "/mnt/Storage/home/daviti/bin/tools/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mpcontribs/client/__init__.py", line 813, in init_columns
    resp = self.projects.get_entry(pk=self.project, _fields=["columns"]).result()
  File "/mnt/Storage/home/daviti/bin/tools/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bravado/client.py", line 229, in __getattr__
    return CallableOperation(getattr(self.resource, name), self.also_return_response)
  File "/mnt/Storage/home/daviti/bin/tools/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bravado_core/resource.py", line 146, in __getattr__
    raise AttributeError(u"Resource '{0}' has no operation '{1}'".format(self.name, item))
AttributeError: Resource 'projects' has no operation 'get_entry'
(base) [daviti@tula ~]$

Thank you,

Hi Daviti, which version of mpcontribs-client are you running? Make sure it’s a recent one, i.e. >=5.9. It looks like you’re running python3.7 which is way out of date and past its end of life. You’ll have to use at least python3.9 to get the most up-to-date MP libraries.

Thank you for your replay!
It was related to the python version.

Another quick question. Now I receive this message:

MPContribsClientError: project `MetalSn` is not approved yet!

So I will not be able to upload data before the project is not approved?


You can upload up to 500 contributions without approval. Once the project is approved, you can upload more and also make the project public. The idea is that users make themselves familiar with MPContribs and how they want to structure their data. It also gives us the chance to provide guidance and check the integrity of the data a little. I usually approve projects after that. These concepts are also explained in the docs. HTH

Thank you very much!