Urgent LAMMPS Question

Good afternoon,

I wrote a script to calculate the stress, strain and Poisson ratio but it give me an error " Expected floating point parameter in input script or data file (…/fix_deform.cpp:109)". I have tried to debug this error but no success. I have attached the input file and highly appreciate if you could help me fix this error?

Thank you so much


data.300 (1.95 MB)

in.YoungeModulus_stressStrain_poissonRatio (1.55 KB)

ZrCuAl.eam.alloy (284 KB)

Good afternoon,

I wrote a script to calculate the stress, strain and Poisson ratio but it
give me an error " Expected floating point parameter in input script or data
file (../fix_deform.cpp:109)". I have tried to debug this error but no
success. I have attached the input file and highly appreciate if you could
help me fix this error?

this error happens, when your input script is not following the
requirements of the documentation.
please compare your input more carefully with the documentation for fix deform.
