Dear list, dear developers,
I am running LAMMPS with the GPU package on a cluster that has 8 CPUs
and 2 GPUs (Tesla S2050, CUDA 5.0) per node. I compiled it with
mvapich2/1.9__intel-2013. nvidia-smi tells me that the compute mode of
the GPUs is "Exclusive Process".
So far, I managed to run 8 CPU + 0 GPU; 1 CPU + 1 GPU; 1CPU + 2 GPU.
More than 1 CPU with a non-zero number of GPUs results in
LAMMPS (30 Oct 2013)
package gpu force/neigh 0 0 1
ERROR: Accelerator sharing is not currently supported on system
- From previous conversations on this list, it seemed to me that running
several CPUs with GPU support should be possible if the compute mode
of the GPUs was "Default". So I asked the cluster people if there was
a way to run using all CPUs and GPUs of a node to which they replied
... The limitation is from LAMMPS itself -- you are restricted to
one MPI process per GPU. ... The only way to utilise [more CPUs
than GPUs] would be if the LAMMPS processes could multi-thread.
Could someone please advise me how to proceed?
Thank you,
- --
Dr. Sebastian Busch
University of Oxford
Department of Biochemistry
Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics
South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QU, UK
+44 1865 61 33 11
[email protected]...