Using AMSET for Copper and getting wrong results

Hi Alex,

I am running a sample simulation to get the electronic thermal conductivity and the Electric Conductivity of copper. I have done the simulations with the following order and settings:

System = Cu
PREC = Accurate

ENCUT = 385
SIGMA = 0.1

ISIF = 3
NSW = 0
EDIFF = 1e-7
EDIFFG = -0.01

ISYM = 1
LWAVE = .True

Deformed calculations for the Deformation potentials

System = Cu
PREC = Accurate

ENCUT = 385
SIGMA = 0.1

ISIF = 3
NSW = 0
EDIFF = 1e-7
EDIFFG = -0.01

ISYM = 1
LWAVE = .True

Elastic Constants

System = Cu
PREC = Accurate

ENCUT = 385
SIGMA = 0.1

ISIF = 3
NSW = 1
EDIFF = 1e-7
EDIFFG = -0.01

ISYM = 1
LWAVE = .True

but my output is providing wrong numbers for sigma and k_e; I would appreciate your comment on the problem

Loading settings from: settings.yaml

             █████╗ ███╗   ███╗███████╗███████╗████████╗
            ██╔══██╗████╗ ████║██╔════╝██╔════╝╚══██╔══╝
            ███████║██╔████╔██║███████╗█████╗     ██║
            ██╔══██║██║╚██╔╝██║╚════██║██╔══╝     ██║
            ██║  ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║███████║███████╗   ██║
            ╚═╝  ╚═╝╚═╝     ╚═╝╚══════╝╚══════╝   ╚═╝


  Ganose, A. M., Park, J., Faghaninia, A., Woods-Robinson,
  R., Persson, K. A., Jain, A. Efficient calculation of
  carrier scattering rates from first principles.
  Nat. Commun. 12, 2222 (2021)

amset starting on 14 Feb 2022 at 01:14

Run parameters:
  ├── scattering_type: ['ADP']
  ├── doping: [-8.7e+22]
  ├── temperatures: [300]
  ├── soc: False
  ├── zero_weighted_kpoints: prefer
  ├── interpolation_factor: 20
  ├── wavefunction_coefficients: wavefunction.h5
  ├── use_projections: False
  ├── free_carrier_screening: False
  ├── high_frequency_dielectric:
  │   [[  8.32   0.00   0.00]
  │    [  0.00   8.32   0.00]
  │    [  0.00   0.00   8.32]]
  ├── static_dielectric:
  │   [[  8.32   0.00   0.00]
  │    [  0.00   8.32   0.00]
  │    [  0.00   0.00   8.32]]
  ├── elastic_constant:
  │   [[ 164.8  122.0  122.0    0.0    0.0    0.0]
  │    [ 122.0  164.8  122.0    0.0    0.0    0.0]
  │    [ 122.0  122.0  164.8    0.0    0.0    0.0]
  │    [   0.0    0.0    0.0   74.9    0.0    0.0]
  │    [   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   74.9    0.0]
  │    [   0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0   74.9]]
  ├── deformation_potential: deformation.h5
  ├── defect_charge: 1
  ├── compensation_factor: 2
  ├── energy_cutoff: 1.5
  ├── fd_tol: 0.05
  ├── dos_estep: 0.01
  ├── symprec: 0.01
  ├── nworkers: -1
  ├── cache_wavefunction: True
  ├── calculate_mobility: True
  ├── separate_mobility: True
  ├── mobility_rates_only: False
  ├── file_format: json
  ├── write_input: False
  ├── write_mesh: False
  ├── print_log: True
  └── write_log: True

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STRUCTURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Structure information:
  ├── formula: Cu
  ├── # sites: 1
  └── space group: Fm3̅m

  ├── a, b, c [Å]: 2.57, 2.57, 2.57
  └── α, β, γ [°]: 60, 60, 60

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BAND STRUCTURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Input band structure information:
  ├── # bands: 10
  ├── # k-points: 770
  ├── Fermi level: 7.718 eV
  ├── spin polarized: False
  └── metallic: True

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTERPOLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Getting band interpolation coefficients
  └── time: 54.3929 s

Interpolation parameters:
  ├── k-point mesh: 123x123x123
  └── energy cutoff: 1.5 eV

Interpolating spin-up bands 6-6
  └── time: 619.3820 s

Generating tetrahedron mesh vertices
  └── time: 22.1934 s

Initializing tetrahedron band structure
  └── time: 3.6533 s

Initializing momentum relaxation time factor calculator

Initializing wavefunction overlap calculator

Desymmetrizing k-point mesh
  ├── Found initial mesh: 20.000 x 20.000 x 20.000
  ├── Integer mesh: 20 x 20 x 20
  └── Using 48 symmetry operations

Desymmetrizing wavefunction coefficients
  ├── progress:  100%|████████████████████████████████| 00:00<00:00
  └── time: 0.5270 s

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

DOS parameters:
  ├── emin: 5.22 eV
  ├── emax: 13.30 eV
  ├── dos weight: 2
  └── n points: 808

Generating tetrahedral DOS:
  ├── DOS:       100%|████████████████████████████████| 00:04<00:00
  └── time: 4.4441 s

Intrinsic DOS Fermi level: 7.7184 eV

DOS contains 1.000 electrons

Calculated Fermi levels:

  conc [cm⁻³]    temp [K]    E_fermi [eV]
-------------  ----------  --------------
    -8.70e+22       300.0         13.9835

Calculated Fermi–Dirac cut-offs:
  ├── min: 13.114 eV
  └── max: 13.295 eV

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCATTERING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Scattering mechanisms to be calculated: ADP

Initializing deformation potential interpolator

Forking 8 processes to calculate scattering
  ├── workers:   100%|████████████████████████████████| 00:01<00:00
  └── time: 2.3418 s

Scattering information:
  └── # ir k-points: 41664

Calculating rates for spin-up band 1
  ├── # k-points within Fermi–Dirac cut-offs: 2376
  ├── elastic:   100%|████████████████████████████████| 00:15<00:00
  └── time: 15.8988 s

Interpolating missing scattering rates
  ├── progress:  100%|████████████████████████████████| 00:00<00:00
  └── time: 0.0086 s

Filling scattering rates [s⁻¹] outside FD cutoffs with:

  conc [cm⁻³]    temp [K]       ADP
-------------  ----------  --------
    -8.70e+22       300.0  1.93e+12

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRANSPORT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Calculating conductivity, Seebeck, and electronic thermal
  ├── transport: 100%|████████████████████████████████| 00:01<00:00
  └── time: 1.6443 s

System is metallic, refusing to calculate carrier mobility

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RESULTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Average conductivity (σ) and Seebeck (S) results:

  conc [cm⁻³]    temp [K]    σ [S/m]    S [µV/K]
-------------  ----------  ---------  ----------
    -8.70e+22       300.0   7.53e-06    2.46e+03

Results written to:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Timing and memory usage:
  ├── interpolation time: 704.5849 s
  ├── dos time: 6.0882 s
  ├── scattering time: 25.1853 s
  ├── transport time: 1.6463 s
  ├── writing time: 0.0058 s
  ├── total time: 737.6700 s
  └── max memory: 4435.1 MB

amset exiting on 14 Feb 2022 at 01:27

Hi Amir,

AMSET is only designed for semiconductors and not metals like Cu.

In the output you posted it says:

System is metallic, refusing to calculate carrier mobility.

However, obviously there is a bug as it printed out some further information. I will fix this so that the calculation exits immediately.