Velocity command SiC vs C

Hello dear collegues of Lammps,

I want to make 2 Bulks to collide against each other. one is diamond C and the other one is a 4H SiC bulk. I want to set velocity of diamond C to collide with 4H SiC but for some reason the velocity diamond_C set 0 0 -0.5 does not work. When I check the velocities in ovito afterwards, it shows that the velocity vector is applied in each atoms in the right direction, which is against the Bulk of SiC, but the bulk does not move. It stays still. Can anybody help me ?
real_sim_sic_vs_diamond.txt (7.9 KB)

Your thermostat fixes will undo what you do with the velocity command.
Using fix temp/rescale in a production run is a very, very, VERY bad idea.
Even during requilibration is not a good choice.

You should equilibrate first and then us only fix nve for everything.
If you want to do a minimization, that would need to be before the equilibration.

Having a production run of 100 steps is extremely short.

Overall, it looks like you need some help from a local adviser or tutor to build meaningful simulation inputs.

thank You so much