Dear all,
I am doing friction simulation setting the velocity of 0.5 (angstoms/picosecond) in x direction to simulate velocity of 50m/s.
However, the result showed atoms mixed up with increase of volume and decrease of pressure.
After I increase the velocity to 500, I could get a good result of friction simulation.
This is confusing because 500 in metal unit means 50000m/s.
I have tried…
Very low timestep (0.00001, 0.000001)
Nvt instead of nve and temp/rescale
lower neighbor 2.0
lower cutoff of airebo (2.0, 1.0)
None of them worked.
Can anybody give me a hint to drive a good result of simulation with velocity of 0.5 (50m/s) in this simulation?
Below is modified in.friction example file which is from lammps package. (red colored are critical changes)
Thank you,
Sungae Lee
2d friction simulation
dimension 2
boundary p s p
units metal
atom_style full
neighbor 10 bin
neigh_modify delay 5
create geometry
lattice hex 3
region box block 0 50 0 30 -0.25 0.25 units box
create_box 4 box
mass 1 12.01
mass 2 12.01
mass 3 12.01
mass 4 12.01
atom regions
region lo-fixed block INF INF INF 2 INF INF units box
region lo-slab block INF INF INF 10 INF INF units box
region above-lo block INF INF INF 10 INF INF side out units box
region hi-fixed block INF INF 25 INF INF INF units box
region hi-slab block INF INF 17 INF INF INF units box
region below-hi block INF INF 17 INF INF INF side out units box
region lo-asperity sphere 32 10 0 5 units box
region hi-asperity sphere 18 17 0 5 units box
region lo-half-sphere intersect 2 lo-asperity above-lo units box
region hi-half-sphere intersect 2 hi-asperity below-hi units box
region outboxes intersect 2 above-lo below-hi units box
region asperities union 2 lo-half-sphere hi-half-sphere units box
create 2 surfaces with asperities
create_atoms 1 region lo-slab
create_atoms 2 region hi-slab
create_atoms 3 region lo-half-sphere
create_atoms 4 region hi-half-sphere
LJ potentials
pair_style airebo 3.0 0 0
pair_coeff * * CH.airebo C C C C
define groups
group lo region lo-slab
group lo type 1 3
group hi region hi-slab
group hi type 2 4
group lo-fixed region lo-fixed
group hi-fixed region hi-fixed
group boundary union lo-fixed hi-fixed
group mobile subtract all boundary
group outboxes region outboxes
group asperities region asperities
group air subtract outboxes asperities
group no-air subtract all air
#set group lo-fixed type 4
#set group hi-fixed type 4
initial velocities
compute new mobile temp/partial 0 1 0
velocity mobile create 300 482748 temp new units box
velocity hi set 0.5 0.0 0.0 sum yes units box
fix 1 all nve
fix 2 boundary setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0
fix 3 mobile temp/rescale 10 300 300 10 1 units box
fix_modify 3 temp new