VMD can not show LAMMPS data file correctly ?

Dear LAMMPS users,

I am using moltemplate to create the data file for LAMMPS by following the example "Building a simple polymer (using the OPLSAA force field)".

The attached system.data is the initial configuration for simulations, it can be read by VMD correctly by the command:

topo readlammpsdata system.data full

VMD does show what I desire.

Then I want LAMMPS to write a new data file after each 1E6 steps by the command:

label loopi

variable i loop 10

run 1000000

write_data system_after_nvt_$i.data

next i

jump SELF loopi


While the box is periodic, and the size of the simulation box is supposed to be:

-100.0 100.0 xlo xhi
-100.0 100.0 ylo yhi
0.0 4.0 zlo zhi

I checked the position information of molecules in system_after_nvt_2.data**,** all molecules are in the simulation box.

But when I use VMD to read the new data file, VMD gives the size:

{-115.0782699584961 -112.42899322509766 -65.6171875} {116.6857681274414 111.63589477539063 80.05809783935547}

VMD does not show the configuration correctly neither.

Best wishes,


system.data (2.38 MB)

system_after_nvt_2.data (4.01 MB)

Dear LAMMPS users,

I am using moltemplate to create the data file for LAMMPS by following the
example "Building a simple polymer (using the OPLSAA force field)".

The attached system.data is the initial configuration for simulations, it
can be read by VMD correctly by the command:

topo readlammpsdata system.data full

VMD does show what I desire.

Then I want LAMMPS to write a new data file after each 1E6 steps by the

label loopi

variable i loop 10

run 1000000

write_data system_after_nvt_$i.data

next i

jump SELF loopi


While the box is periodic, and the size of the simulation box is supposed to

   -100.0 100.0 xlo xhi
   -100.0 100.0 ylo yhi
   0.0 4.0 zlo zhi

I checked the position information of molecules in system_after_nvt_2.data,
all molecules are in the simulation box.

But when I use VMD to read the new data file, VMD gives the size:

{-115.0782699584961 -112.42899322509766 -65.6171875} {116.6857681274414
111.63589477539063 80.05809783935547}

VMD does not show the configuration correctly neither.

it works for me. do you use current versions of VMD and the topotools plugin?
