water flow in nanochannel

tnx axel,how can i use the fix addforce and atom style variable? applying total force to the oxygen is not good i try this and this gives miningless answer , for example if i want to apply 18 force to each water molecule,in your view is that good that i apply 16 to oxygen and 1 to each hydrogen ? i tried this and the program is running,thank you for your guiding me,your suggestion can help me very much.tnx.

tnx axel,how can i use the fix addforce and atom style variable?

how to define variables is explained in the documentation for variables.
how to use fix addforce is - ta-daa - explained the in the
documentation of fix addforce. that includes using variables.
it is your job to put those together.

applying total force to the oxygen is not good i try this and this gives miningless

that sounds more like your force is too large or you are not doing it
right. impossible to debug this from remote.

, for example if i want to apply 18 force to each water molecule,in
your view is that good that i apply 16 to oxygen and 1 to each hydrogen ? i
tried this and the program is running,thank you for your guiding me,your

i don't understand what you are asking. you description is very
confusing. in any case, if things don't work, make a test with a tiny
test example, have it write out all information at every step, and
compare what LAMMPS computes with what you compute and see, where you
are making mistakes.

don't expect people here to fix your input for you and don't expect
that you will be an LAMMPS expert in a matter of days. you have to
keep reading (and not just the LAMMPS manual), you have to keep
practicing (and not just with your specific problem, but simpler
cases) until you understand where the problems are. most likely there
are located somewhere between your left and your right ear. the good
news is that those kinds of problems can be removed; the bad news is
that it takes some effort, may cause some pain and frustration in the
process and it is something that you have to do yourself.
