Where do we obtain the bootcamp directory?

I did the virtual machine pipeline setup for the boot-camp, but I don’t have a directory for the boot-camp directories. Do we need to install them from elsewhere?


On the same notion, is it possible to present the commands on a constant location?
(for win useres like me that are not familiar with the commands)

For future reference, the boot camp archive was not included in the virtual machine. To download on the command line, run

wget http://s3.openkim.org/bootcamp/openkim-boot-camp-12Aug2014.tgz
tar zxvf openkim-boot-camp-12Aug2014.tgz

This link can be found on the openkim page at https://openkim.org/kim-api/#bootcamp


This is answered in the online video. For the record, the boot-camp file are available at:


From the VM this can be obtained using the command:

wget http://s3.openkim.org/bootcamp/openkim-boot-camp-12Aug2014.tgz


The VM is a linux machine. There are many linux tutorials on the web (just google “linux tutorial” or “linux basic commands”. Here is one link that comes up:


Thanks, these replays are helpful.
Just, it was hard to follow & remember such a long line being typed.