Which function in the source code reads the lammps input script?

Dear lammps experts,

I am trying to find the file in the source code that is dedicated to reading instructions in the input script. I believe this should be the first piece of code that is run when you do a simulation. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me where to look for this file. I looked in the src file but couldn’t find what I was looking for.


Dear lammps experts,

I am trying to find the file in the source code that is dedicated to reading
instructions in the input script. I believe this should be the first piece
of code that is run when you do a simulation. I would appreciate it if
someone could tell me where to look for this file. I looked in the src file
but couldn't find what I was looking for.

as you can see from the file main.cpp, there are only three main steps
when running the standalone:

  LAMMPS *lammps = new LAMMPS(argc,argv,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  delete lammps;

i.e. creation of a LAMMPS object, processing input from a file (or
rather a file pointer, that is set to stdin by default), deletion of
the LAMMPS object.


is executing the code in the method:

void Input::file()

of course, since the LAMMPS object is a complex composite, its
creation and destruction is a multi-step process and also the
processing of input consists of multiple steps, i.e. processing and
expanding the input, parsing it and then executing the parsed command.
