units si atom_style sphere boundary p p p newton off comm_modify mode single vel yes variable NSTEPS equal 2000000 variable DUMPSTART equal 1800000 variable DUMPEND equal ${NSTEPS} variable NSKIP equal 200 #Read the Cluster of compound particles fix addMolecule all property/atom mol ghost yes read_data dumbellsV056.dat fix addMolecule NULL Molecules set atom * mass 1.2295e-6 set atom * diameter 0.001 log log.lammps append reset_timestep 0 variable shearRate equal 21.382484 print "Shear Rate=${shearRate}, Run=1" #Set DEM pair_style gran/hooke/history 2000 NULL 50 NULL 1 0 pair_coeff * * velocity all create 1e15 1 loop geom neighbor 0.003 bin neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes neigh_modify exclude molecule all timestep 1e-5 fix 1 all rigid molecule compute 1 all temp/sphere compute 2 all pressure 1 thermo_style custom step c_1 c_2 vol thermo 500 run 30000 #Remove Previous Settings unfix 1 uncompute 1 uncompute 2 reset_timestep 0 #New Seetings change_box all triclinic remap pair_style gran/hooke/history 2000 NULL 50 NULL 0.5 1 pair_coeff * * timestep 1e-5 fix 1 all rigid molecule thermo_style custom step thermo 1000 fix velProf all ave/spatial 1 10000 10000 y lower 0.04 vx norm all ave window 20 units reduced file vel.profile fix shearRun all deform 1 xy erate ${shearRate} remap v units box run ${NSTEPS}