extract_lammps_data.py is a simple script which extracts sections of text from a LAMMPS data file. (Of coarse, you can accomplish the same thing with a text editor, but this script performs the task automatically.) Typical usage: extract_lammps_data.py SECTION_NAME < FILE.DATA > EXCERPT.TXT This extracts a section from a LAMMPS data file and saves it in EXCERPT.TXT. More general usage: extract_lammps_data.py [-n] SECTION_LIST < FILE.DATA > EXCERPT.TXT The SECTION_LIST is a list of sections you want in your output file (eg "EXCERPT.TXT"). Each section must be a quoted-string, and spaces (not commas) should separate each section name. The optional "-n" flag negates the selection. (Selecting instead, everything except the sections you listed.) Examples: extract_lammps_data.py "Atoms" < FILE.DATA > Atoms.txt extract_lammps_data.py "Header" < FILE.DATA > Header.txt extract_lammps_data.py -n "Header" < FILE.DATA > everything_except_Header.txt extract_lammps_data.py "Bonds" "Angles" "Dihedrals" "Impropers" \ < FILE.DATA > topology.txt extract_lammps_data.py "Pair Coeffs" "Bond Coeffs" "Angle Coeffs" \ "Dihedral Coeffs" "Improper Coeffs" \ < FILE.DATA > force_field.txt The following section names are allowed: "Header" # The header section at the beginning of the file. "Atoms" "Masses" "Bonds" "Bond Coeffs" "Angles" "Angle Coeffs" "Dihedrals" "Dihedral Coeffs" "Impropers" "Improper Coeffs" "BondBond Coeffs" # class2 angles "BondAngle Coeffs" # class2 angles "MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs" # class2 dihedrals "EndBondTorsion Coeffs" # class2 dihedrals "AngleTorsion Coeffs" # class2 dihedrals "AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs" # class2 dihedrals "BondBond13 Coeffs" # class2 dihedrals "AngleAngle Coeffs" # class2 impropers "Angles By Type" # moltemplate-specific. (not standard LAMMPS) "Dihedrals By Type" # moltemplate-specific. (not standard LAMMPS) "Angles By Type' # moltemplate-specific. (not standard LAMMPS)