# FCC Si 001-DIAMOND Bulk Formation # # ---------- Initialize Simulation --------------------- clear units metal dimension 3 boundary p p p atom_style charge #atom_style atomic # ---------- Create Atoms --------------------- #lattice diamond 5.431 #region box block 0 5 0 5 0 5 units lattice #create_box 1 box #create_atoms 1 box #---------------------------------------------- region surface block 0.02 54.25 0.02 54.25 33 60.0 units box region mid block 0 54 0 54 17 33 units box region bottom block 0 54 0 54 -10 17 units box read_data ChargeStyle_Si.data #read_data SiSurface.data #mass 1 28.0855 #Si #mass 2 47.867 #Ti #mass 3 16.000 #O #mass 4 26.981538 #Al group surface region surface group mid region mid group bottom region bottom group Si type 1 group Al type 2 group O type 3 set type 1 charge 1.890 set type 2 charge 1.4175 set type 3 charge -0.945 # ---------- Define Interatomic Potential_ ADP --------------------- #pair_style adp #pair_coeff * * Si_Au_Al.mod.txt Si Au Al # ---------- Define Interatomic Potential. JAKSE --------------------- pair_style born/coul/long 8.0 pair_coeff 1 1 0.066783 0.0680 1.5704 323.548 0.0 pair_coeff 1 2 0.172715 0.1640 2.6067 796.2097 0.0 pair_coeff 1 3 0.0575717 0.0570 1.5056 433.2063 0.0 pair_coeff 2 2 0.276344 0.2630 3.6430 1959.372 0.0 pair_coeff 2 3 0.16120 0.1560 2.5419 1066.0667 0.0 pair_coeff 3 3 0.0276344 0.0460 1.4408 580.030 0.0 #------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------Pontetial - Born/coul/long/. MATSUI---------# #pair_coeff 1 1 0.04599889 0.046 1.4408 580.887 0.0 #pair_coeff 1 3 0.16099613 0.161 2.5419 1067.63 0.0 #pair_coeff 2 2 0.0739982 0.068 1.5704 324.01526 0.0 #pair_coeff 2 3 0.17199587 0.172 2.6067 797.366 0.0 #pair_coeff 1 2 0.0569986 0.057 1.5065 433.839 0.0 #pair_coeff 3 3 0.275993376 0.276 3.643 1962.231 0.0 #-------------------------------- kspace_style ewald/disp 1.0e-3 #kspace_style pppm 1.0e-3 #kspace_style ewald 1.0e-4 neighbor 1.0 bin neigh_modify every 1 delay 10 check yes # ---------- Define Settings --------------------- #compute eng all pe/atom #compute eatoms all reduce sum c_eng # ---------- Run Minimization --------------------- reset_timestep 0 #timestep 0.0005 #min_style cg #minimize 1e-11 1e-11 5000 10000 thermo 1 thermo_style custom step pe lx press temp #!!!PLEASE NOTE THAT DAMP PARAMETERS ARE IN TIMEUNITs here in PicoSec, it is a good practice ## to have damping at every 100 TIMESTEPS so here 0.1Ps=100fs which is 100 timesteps in metal #units!!!! #velocity all create 300 3243434 #fix 1 all npt temp 300 300 0.1 iso 0.0 0.0 1.0 fix 1 surface nve fix 2 mid nvt temp 300 300 0.1 fix freeze bottom setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0 fix depAl Al deposit 400 2 1500 342535 region surface vz -1.0 -0.8 units box fix depO O deposit 600 3 1000 342535 region surface vz -1.0 -0.8 units box #dump 1 all custom 1000 Diamond_dumps/Ti_depon_Si.dumps.* id type x y z dump 1 all custom 1 Diamond_dumps/test.* id type x y z run 1000000 write_data deponSi.data ## #------ output the lattice constant -----# #restart 1000000 Si300K_restart #run 1000