########################################################## #------------Variables and cell--------------------------# ########################################################## clear units metal #eV,atomic charge,angstroms,ps,kelvin,bars,g/mol dimension 3 boundary p p p atom_style full #processors * * * grid numa fix csinfo all property/atom i_CSID read_data coordinates.lammps fix csinfo NULL CS-Info #File name read in containing coordinates etc. group lithium type 1 group cores type 2 4 6 8 group shells type 3 5 7 9 #neighbor 2.0 bin comm_modify vel yes variable T1 equal 1 #Sets temperature of the system variable Timer equal step*dt ######################################################### #---------- Pair styles and electrostatics--------------# ######################################################### pair_style buck/coul/long 8.0 #A, rho, C pair_coeff * * 0.0 1.000 0.00 pair_coeff 1 9 632.1018 0.2906 0.0000 pair_coeff 3 9 1582.5000 0.2882 0.00000 pair_coeff 5 9 1397.6300 0.3211 0.00000 pair_coeff 7 9 1329.8200 0.3087 0.00000 pair_coeff 9 9 22764.0000 0.1490 65.0000 bond_style harmonic bond_coeff 1 93.7 0.0 bond_coeff 2 196.3 0.0 bond_coeff 3 95.0 0.0 bond_coeff 4 65.0 0.0 kspace_style ewald 1e-03 #Ewald precision ######################################################## # -------------- Run Minimization ---------------------# ######################################################## reset_timestep 0 timestep 0.001 thermo 1 #prints data every x steps #compute 1 all pe/atom #dump 1 all custom 1 patom.dump id mol type pe/atom thermo_style custom step etotal temp enthalpy & fmax lx ly lz vol press min_style cg minimize 1e-25 1e-25 5000 10000 ######################################################## # -------------- Relax Cell ---------------------------# ######################################################## reset_timestep 0 timestep 0.001 fix 1 all box/relax aniso 1.0 vmax 0.003 thermo 1 thermo_style custom step enthalpy fmax lx ly lz vol press min_style cg minimize 1e-25 1e-25 5000 10000 unfix 1 ######################################################## # ------------- Run NPT T1-----------------------------# ######################################################## reset_timestep 0 timestep 0.01 compute mymsd lithium msd com yes variable msdx equal "c_mymsd[1]" variable msdy equal "c_mymsd[2]" variable msdz equal "c_mymsd[3]" variable msdtot equal "c_mymsd[4]" fix msdT1 lithium ave/time 1 1 10000 v_msdx v_msdy v_msdz v_msdtot file msd${T1} fix 3 all npt temp ${T1} ${T1} 0.01 aniso 0.0 0.0 10 thermo_style custom step v_Timer cpu temp etotal fmax lx ly lz vol press thermo 1 dump dynamics all xyz 5000 dynamics.xyz #Prints dynamixs file every x steps run 10000000 unfix 3 unfix msdT1