fix qeq/ecomb command Syntax: fix ID group-ID qeq/comb dtq grcathode granode V keyword value ... ID, group-ID are documented in fix command qeq/comb = style name of this fix command dtq = time step of this fix command (attosecond unit) precision = the convergence and threshold criterion of the maximum charge force grcathode = group-ID for cathode granode = group-ID for anode V = applied potential between cathode and anode (unit V) zero or more keyword/value pairs may be appended keyword = precision or nevery or optimize or verlet or appq or file nevery value = Nevery Nevery = perform this fix every Nevery time steps optimize args = none verlet args = none maxloop value = Maxloop Maxloop = maximum number of loops of the charge optimization appq value = Appq Appq = the initial net charge that is applied to the system (e unit) file value = filename and qthermo filename = name of file to write charge dynamics info to qthermo = write the charge dynamics info to file every qthermo time steps Examples: fix 1 etrode qeq/ecomb 2.0 grcathode granode 3.0 fix 1 etrode qeq/ecomb 2.0 1e-2 grcathode granode 3.0 nevery 10 verlet Description: Offset the charge force between cathode and anode atoms by {V} due to an external electric voltage being applied to the system. The electrolyte are implicitly included as (group_ID - grcathode - granode). However, as indicated in reference below, it is recommended to use this fix command on electrodes only and use separate fix qeq/comb command on eletrolyte. Please note the difference between this fix and "fix efield"_fix_efield.html. The "fix efield"_fix_efield.html is adding qE force on each charged atom. Whereas this fix is adding {V}/2 on the charge force of the cathode atom and deducting {V}/2 on charge force of the anode. The electronegativity of an atom is defined as the derivative of the energy over the charge of the atom. The charge force is defined as difference between the mean value of the electronegativity of the system and the electronegativity of the atom. Though the idea of offset the charge forces can be applied to any variable atomic charge models, this fix is currently limited to offset the charge forces obtained from "fix qeq/comb"_fix_qeq_comb.html. In fact, this fix only adds three variables: {grcathode}, {granode} and {V}. The rest variables in this fix is the same as "fix qeq/comb"_fix_qeq_comb.html. In order to conserve the electronegativity of each step of the charge dynamics, the real offset value is {V}*N_anode/(N_cathode+N_anode)*{V} for cathode atoms and -{V}*N_cathode/(N_cathode+N_anode) for anode atoms, where N_cathode and N_anode are the number of cathode and anode atoms. [(ECOMB)] T. Liang, A. C. Antony, S. A. Akhade, M. J. Janik and S. B. Sinnott, in preparation.