# This file creates a small arrangement of spheres, and controls the # stresses when loaded by periodic boundaries. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Initialisation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ units si # This means m, kg, s for base units. boundary p p p atom_style sphere atom_modify map array # new thing for adnan dimension 3 newton off echo both comm_modify vel yes # Create particles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ read_data Thornton_Lattice_96_Spheres.lj # Pre-fix settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ neighbor 0.00005 bin # ~5% of the diameter of the largest particle neigh_modify delay 0 pair_style gran/shm/history 29.17e9 0.2 0.1 pair_coeff * * timestep auto run_style verlet compute 1 all pair/local p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 p12 p13 p14 compute conn all coord/gran compute aveconn all reduce ave c_conn # compute 2 all coord/atom cutoff 0.00005 # original commands # Slightly > 1 (max) diameter dump 1 all local 100000 postliu_contact/dump*.contact c_1[1] c_1[2] c_1[3] c_1[4] c_1[5] c_1[6] c_1[7] c_1[8] c_1[9] c_1[10] c_1[11] c_1[12] c_1[13] c_1[14] fix 1 all multistress 0.5 1000 x stress 100000 y stress 100000 z stress 100000 units box variable step equal step variable xxstress equal f_1[1] variable yystress equal f_1[2] variable zzstress equal f_1[3] variable xystress equal f_1[4] variable xzstress equal f_1[5] variable yzstress equal f_1[6] variable xlength equal lx variable ylength equal ly variable zlength equal lz variable coordNum equal c_aveconn fix 2 all print 20000 "${step} ${xxstress} ${yystress} ${zzstress} ${xystress} ${xzstress} ${yzstress} ${xlength} ${ylength} ${zlength}" file mean_stresses_iso.txt screen no fix 3 all nve/sphere fix 4 all print 20000 "${step} ${coordNum}" file trial_coord.txt screen no fix 5 all momentum/gran dump 2 all custom 20000 postliu_connectivity/dump*.connectivity id c_conn x y z diameter dump 3 all atom 20000 postliu_atom/dump*.atom dump_modify 3 scale no dump 4 all custom 20000 postliu_stress/dump*.stress id diameter c_1_stress[1] c_1_stress[2] c_1_stress[3] c_1_stress[4] c_1_stress[5] c_1_stress[6] dump 5 all custom 20000 postliu_velocity/dump*.all_velocities id diameter x y z vx vy vz omegax omegay omegaz fx fy fz #======================================================================================== restart 100000 restart_file #========================================================================================= run 1000000