# Use the rerun option with the neigh_modify exclude. variable run string toy02 echo log log ${run}.log # Force field definition. boundary p p p units real atom_style full pair_style lj/cut/coul/long 10.0 10.0 bond_style harmonic kspace_style pppm 0.0001 special_bonds lj/coul 0 1 1 # ----------------- Atom Definition Section ----------------- read_data "toy01.data" # Neighbour list. neighbor 1.0 bin neigh_modify exclude molecule/intra all # ----------------- Settings Section ----------------- mass 1 20 mass 2 20 pair_coeff * * 0.15 2.5 bond_coeff 1 0.000 0.900 # Compute the intermolecular energy in various ways. compute inter1 all group/group all pair yes kspace yes molecule inter compute inter2 all pair lj/cut/coul/long epair # Physical observables. thermo 1 thermo_style custom step evdwl ecoul elong ebond pe c_inter1 c_inter2 thermo_modify flush yes # Single point. rerun toy01.dump dump x y z box yes