###################################### Perfect ##################################### clear log perfect.lammps units metal dimension 3 boundary p p p atom_style atomic variable lp equal 3.52395413816153 variable factor equal 1 lattice fcc ${lp} orient x -1 1 0 orient y -1 -1 2 orient z 1 1 1 variable xdim equal ${lp}*sqrt(2) variable ydim equal ${lp}*sqrt(6) variable zdim equal (${lp}*sqrt(3)*${factor}) variable atoms_end equal ${lp}*sqrt(3)*36 variable length equal (${zdim}*4) region full_box block 0 ${xdim} 0 ${ydim} 0 ${zdim} units box region atoms block 0 ${xdim} 0 ${ydim} 0 ${atoms_end} units box create_box 1 full_box create_atoms 1 region full_box #replicate 6 3 36 bbox variable x_length equal "lx" variable y_length equal "ly" variable z_length equal "lz" #region top block 0 ${x_length} 0 ${y_length} ${length} ${z_length} units box #region bottom block 0 ${x_length} 0 ${y_length} 0 ${length} units box #group top_atoms region top #group bottom_atoms region bottom #region vacuum block 0 ${x_length} 0 ${y_length} ${atoms_end} ${z_length} units box #delete_atoms region vacuum # --------------------- EAM POTENTIAL --------------------- pair_style eam/alloy pair_coeff * * "/home/labuser/snap/snapd-desktop-integration/178/potential_files/FeNiCr_Foster_Sills.setfl" Ni neighbor 2.0 bin # --------------------- SETTINGS --------------------- compute peratom all pe/atom compute total_energy all reduce sum c_peratom ####################### thermal properties output on screen ###################### thermo 10 thermo_style custom step pe lx ly lz press pxx pyy pzz c_total_energy #dump dump1 all cfg 1 dump_perfect/perfect_*.cfg mass type xs ys zs c_peratom # Dump for top atoms #dump dump2 top_atoms cfg 1 dump_perfect/perfect_top_*.cfg mass type xs ys zs c_peratom # Dump for bottom atoms #dump dump3 bottom_atoms cfg 1 dump_perfect/perfect_bottom_*.cfg mass type xs ys zs c_peratom dump dump4 all custom 1 perfect.dat id type xs ys zs c_peratom min_style cg minimize 1e-10 1e-10 5000 10000 variable tengperfect equal "c_total_energy" variable natomsperfect equal "count(all)" variable ecohperfect equal "v_tengperfect/v_natomsperfect" variable ecohperfect_final equal "v_ecohperfect" variable areaperfect equal "lx*ly" print "cohesive energy of perfect ${ecohperfect}" print "total energy of perfect ${tengperfect}" print "perfect area equals ${areaperfect}" print "No. of atoms in perfect ${natomsperfect}" write_data pure_data.txt nocoeff nofix ###################################### Fault ##################################### clear log fault.lammps units metal dimension 3 boundary p p p atom_style atomic variable lp equal 3.52395413816153 variable factor equal 1 read_data pure_data.txt variable x_length equal "lx" variable y_length equal "ly" variable z_length equal "lz" #Shear 1 variable length_1 equal (${zdim}*24) region top_1 block 0 ${x_length} 0 ${y_length} ${length_1} ${z_length} units box region bottom_1 block 0 ${x_length} 0 ${y_length} 0 ${length_1} units box group top_atoms_1 region top_1 group bottom_atoms_1 region bottom_1 variable y_displace equal -1*(${lp}*sqrt(6))/6 displace_atoms top_atoms_1 move 0.0 ${y_displace} 0.0 units box fix 1 all setforce 0 0 NULL #Shear 2 variable length_2 equal (${zdim}*12) region top_2 block 0 ${x_length} 0 ${y_length} ${length_2} ${z_length} units box region bottom_2 block 0 ${x_length} 0 ${y_length} 0 ${length_2} units box group top_atoms_2 region top_2 group bottom_atoms_2 region bottom_2 variable y_displace equal -1*(${lp}*sqrt(6))/6 displace_atoms top_atoms_2 move 0.0 ${y_displace} 0.0 units box fix 2 all setforce 0 0 NULL #region vacuum block 0 ${x_length} 0 ${y_length} ${atoms_end} ${z_length} units box #delete_atoms region vacuum # --------------------- EAM POTENTIAL --------------------- pair_style eam/alloy pair_coeff * * "/home/labuser/snap/snapd-desktop-integration/178/potential_files/FeNiCr_Foster_Sills.setfl" Ni neighbor 2.0 bin # --------------------- SETTINGS --------------------- compute peratom all pe/atom compute total_energy all reduce sum c_peratom ####################### thermal properties output on screen ###################### thermo 10 #'thermo' specifies the output during minimization at every 10 steps thermo_style custom step pe lx ly lz press pxx pyy pzz c_total_energy #'thermo_style' specifies what type of output is shown to screen eg: pe : potential energy;lx,ly,lz : simulation cell dimensions; press : pressure etc.. dump dump1 all cfg 10 dump_fault/fault_*.cfg mass type xs ys zs c_peratom dump dump4 all custom 1 fault.dat id type xs ys zs c_peratom # Dump for top atoms dump dump2 top_atoms_1 cfg 10 dump_fault/fault_top_*.cfg mass type xs ys zs c_peratom # Dump for bottom atoms dump dump3 bottom_atoms_1 cfg 10 dump_fault/fault_bottom_*.cfg mass type xs ys zs c_peratom min_style cg minimize 1e-10 1e-10 5000 10000 variable tengfault equal "c_total_energy" variable natomsfault equal "count(all)" variable ecohfault equal "v_tengfault/v_natomsfault" variable ecohfault_final equal "v_ecohfault" variable areafault equal "lx*ly" print "cohesive energy of fault ${ecohfault}" print "total energy of fault ${tengfault}" print "Fault area equals ${areafault}" print "No. of atoms in fault ${natomsfault}"