# Creation of a HalfCrystal prior to generation of MULTIPLE TBs # T = 0K units metal boundary p p p atom_style atomic lattice fcc 3.615 orient x 1 -1 0 orient y 1 1 -2 orient z 5 2 0 region box block 0 4 0 4 0 2 create_box 1 box create_atoms 1 box pair_style eam pair_coeff * * Au_u3.eam # optimize box size # fix 1 all box/relax aniso 0.0 vmax 0.001 # output of structures dump 1 all xyz 100000 dump.pdef # frequency of energy... output + kind of output thermo_style custom step pe press lx ly lz thermo 10 # Minimize # min_style cg # (check it in the manual) minimize 0.0 1.0e-8 1000000 100000000