#Input script for LAMMPS, simulating a bead tethered to a surface with a semi-flexible polymer tether. # bb_radius: 5e-09 # fb_radius: 1.014e-09 # sb_radius: 1.014e-09 ###----------VARIABLES: MAIN----------### variable quote string "'" variable lj_eps equal 2.07097278e-20 # 2.07e-20 J equals 5.00 kT (T = 300.0 K) ###----------INITIALIZATION----------### units si boundary p p f dimension 3 atom_style hybrid angle sphere log "LOG\TEST3045_log.log" restart 13570 "RESTARTS\TEST3045_restart*.restart" ###-----------PAIR INFO----------### pair_style lj/cut 2.390170685669979e-09 read_data TEST3045_df.df echo screen ###----------NEIGHBOUR SETTINGS-----------# neighbor 9e-09 bin neigh_modify every 1000 delay 0 check yes one 1000 ###----------BOND INFO-----------### bond_style harmonic bond_coeff 1 0.005725949892552008 6.014e-09 bond_coeff 2 0.0503545233593595 2.028e-09 bond_coeff 3 0.0503545233593595 2.028e-09 ###-----------PAIR COEFFS----------### pair_coeff 1 1 2.07097278e-20 1.0500000000000001e-08 1.1785851507248418e-08 pair_coeff 1 2 2.07097278e-20 6.314700000000001e-09 7.0880110964591985e-09 pair_coeff 1 3 2.07097278e-20 6.314700000000001e-09 7.0880110964591985e-09 pair_coeff 2 2 2.07097278e-20 2.1294e-09 2.390170685669979e-09 pair_coeff 2 3 2.07097278e-20 2.1294e-09 2.390170685669979e-09 pair_coeff 3 3 2.07097278e-20 2.1294e-09 2.390170685669979e-09 pair_modify shift yes ###----------ANGLE INFO----------### angle_style harmonic angle_coeff 1 2.2701047780769226e-21 180 # 2.27E-21 J/rad^2 equals 0.55 kT/rad^2 (T = 300.0 K) ###----------GROUP INFO----------### group fb type 1 group sb type 2 group bb type 3 ###----------VELOCITIES----------### velocity all create 300.0 1231 velocity fb zero linear ###----------FIX COMMANDS BEFORE MINIMIZATION----------### fix id_fix1 bb langevin 300 300 1.2337164750957855e-10 1231 angmom 3.333333 fix id_fix2 fb langevin 300 300 9.25550716157487e-14 1231 fix id_fix3 sb langevin 300 300 9.25550716157487e-14 1231 fix top all wall/reflect zhi EDGE fix lowwall all wall/reflect zlo EDGE #fix bblow bb wall/reflect zlo 5e-09 #wall/reflect not compatible with rigid body styles fix zeroforce fb setforce 0 0 0 velocity fb zero linear fix newton0 sb nve fix newton1 fb nve fix newton2 bb nve/sphere velocity fb zero linear fix zeroforce fb setforce 0 0 0 ###----------MINIMIZATION----------### timestep 5e-15 minimize 4.1419e-22 4.1419e-22 10000000 10000000 ###----------TIMESTEP----------### timestep 1e-13 ###-------THERMO OUTPUT--------### thermo_style custom step temp etotal ke pe thermo 2475 ###----------RUNS & DUMP ----------### variable maxRunsPerDump equal 2000000000.0 variable totalRuns equal 2713943 variable noSubRuns equal ceil(${totalRuns}/${maxRunsPerDump}) variable remainingRuns equal ${totalRuns} variable i loop ${noSubRuns} variable pathStr string DMPS\TEST3045 print ${noSubRuns} label loop if "${remainingRuns}>${maxRunsPerDump}" then & "dump $i all custom 2475 ${quote}${pathStr}_dump$i.dump${quote} id type x y z vx vy vz fx fy fz" & "dump_modify $i sort id pad 12" & "run ${maxRunsPerDump}" & "variable remainingRuns equal ${remainingRuns}-${maxRunsPerDump}" & "undump $i" & "next i" & elif ${remainingRuns}<=0 & "undump $i" & "variable remainingRuns equal 0" & "jump TEST3045_input.in end" & else & "dump $i all custom 2475 ${quote}${pathStr}_dump$i.dump${quote} id type x y z vx vy vz fx fy fz" & "dump_modify $i sort id pad 12" & "run ${remainingRuns}" & "variable remainingRuns equal 0" & "jump TEST3045_input.in end" jump TEST3045_input.in loop label end