# used for offical lammps #======================================================================================== units si # (This means m, kg, s for base units.) boundary p p f # (x and y are p; z is the rigid wall) atom_style sphere dimension 3 newton on echo both comm_modify vel yes processors * * * #======================================================================================== read_data single.data #======================================================================================== neighbor 0.0001 bin neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 one 200 page 2000 #======================================================================================== pair_style granular pair_coeff * * hertz/material 7e6 0.3 0.5 tangential mindlin_rescale/force NULL 1.0 1.0 timestep 1e-8 run_style verlet #======================================================================================== compute 4 all property/atom id radius x y z vx vy vz fx fy fz #====================================================== fix 3 all wall/gran hooke/history 1e20 NULL 50.0 NULL 0.5 0 zplane -0.00501 NULL contacts fix 4 all wall/gran hooke/history 1e20 NULL 50.0 NULL 0.5 0 zplane NULL 0.01261 wiggle z 0.1 0.1 contacts fix 5 all nve/sphere #======================================================================================== dump 2 all custom 100000 r100d2_atom/dump*.atom id x y z diameter c_4[9] c_4[10] c_4[11] dump 7 all custom 100000 r100d2_contact/dump*.contact f_4[1] f_4[2] f_4[3] f_4[4] f_4[5] f_4[6] f_4[7] f_4[8] #========================================================================================= run 999999999 #=========================================================================================