units lj atom_modify map array lattice fcc 0.8442 region box block 0 2 0 2 0 2 create_box 1 box mass 1 1.0 pair_style zero 3.0 pair_coeff * * create_atoms 1 box velocity all create 1.25 87287 loop geom variable natoms equal $(atoms) variable lx equal lx variable ly equal ly variable lz equal lz variable sigma equal 1.0 variable epsilon equal 1.0 variable sigma6 equal $(v_sigma*v_sigma*v_sigma*v_sigma*v_sigma*v_sigma) variable dt equal 0.02 include calculate_forces.in label outer print "We have $(atoms) atoms in the system" variable timestep loop 1 500 print "Writing $(atoms) atoms in ${timestep}" write_data data/$(v_timestep).data print "Computing timestep ${timestep}" print "Half kick in ${timestep}" include half_kick.in print "Update positions in ${timestep}" include update_positions.in print "Applying PBS in ${timestep}" include pbc.in print "Calculating forces in ${timestep}" include calculate_forces.in print "Half kick in ${timestep}" include half_kick.in next timestep jump SELF outer