This means that units, boundary, dimension, atom_style, neighbor, mass etc. need to be redefined when using read_dump command.
Because these information is not recorded in the dump file, but may be used in subsequent energy calculations. Right?
In the user manual, the corresponding instructions were not given, so I ignored this point.
Thank you for your reply
This means that units, boundary, dimension, atom_style, neighbor, mass etc. need to be redefined when using read_dump command.
Because these information is not recorded in the dump file, but may be used in subsequent energy calculations. Right?
In the user manual, the corresponding instructions were not given, so I ignored this point.
ignorance is always a problem when doing research. the general rule
when reading the LAMMPS documentation is: if it is not described, it
is not done. that is, commands will do exactly what is written in the
documentation and *nothing else*.