Hello everyone!
There are 2 types of particles in my simulation and there are 3 interactions between them: A&A, A&B, B&B. Below is my code. The error is ‘Pair coeff for hybrid has invalid style: gran/hertz/history (src/pair_hybrid.cpp:501)’. How to fix it?
pair_style hybrid gran/hertz/history 80400000 NULL 0.001 NULL 0.5 1 &
gran/hertz/history 73400000 NULL 0.001 NULL 0.5 1 &
gran/hertz/history 86800000 NULL 0.001 NULL 0.5 1
pair_coeff 1 2 gran/hertz/history 80400000 NULL 0.001 NULL 0.5 1
pair_coeff 1 1 gran/hertz/history 73400000 NULL 0.001 NULL 0.5 1
pair_coeff 2 2 gran/hertz/history 86800000 NULL 0.001 NULL 0.5 1