a section in documentation of comp_modify was not updated

I think "communicate" still survives in a few places.

find doc/ -name '*.txt' -type f -exec grep -nH -e 'communicate vel' {} +

doc/pair_eff.txt:292:Thes pair styles require you to use the "communicate vel
doc/pair_gran.txt:232:This pair style requires you to use the "communicate vel
doc/comm_modify.txt:20: {vel} value = {yes} or {no} = do or do not
communicate velocity info with ghost atoms :pre
doc/pair_dpd.txt:170:These pair styles requires you to use the "communicate vel
doc/Section_errors.txt:4387:Use the communicate vel yes command to
enable this. :dd
doc/Section_errors.txt:6848:Use the communicate vel yes command to
enable this. :dd
doc/Section_errors.txt:6877:Use the communicate vel yes command to
enable this. :dd
doc/Section_errors.txt:6917:Use the communicate vel yes command to
enable this. :dd
doc/Section_errors.txt:6933:Use the communicate vel yes command to
enable this. :dd
doc/Section_errors.txt:6945:Use the communicate vel yes command to
enable this. :dd
doc/Section_errors.txt:6953:Use the communicate vel yes command to
enable this. :dd

find examples/ -name 'in.*' -type f -exec grep -nH -e 'communicate.*vel' {} +

examples/USER/eff/H_plasma/in.h2bulk.nve:17:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/H_plasma/in.h2bulk.nve.ang:17:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/H_plasma/in.h2bulk.npt:17:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/CH4/in.ch4.dynamics:15:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/CH4/in.ch4.min:15:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/CH4/in.ch4_ionized.dynamics:15:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/H/in.h_atom.spe.ang:15:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/H/in.h_atom.spe.bohr:15:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/H2/in.h2:15:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/ECP/Si2H6/in.Si2H6.ang:26:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/ECP/Si2H6/in.Si2H6:26:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/ECP/SiH4/in.SiH4:27:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/ECP/SiH4/in.SiH4.ang:26:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/ECP/SiC/bulk/in.SiC:17:communicate single vel yes
   single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/Li-solid/in.Li.ang:17:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/Li-solid/in.Li.bohr:16:communicate single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/fixed-core/CH4/in.CH4fc.ang:24:communicate single vel yes
single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/fixed-core/CH4/in.CH4fc.bohr:24:communicate single vel yes
single vel yes
single vel yes
single vel yes
examples/USER/eff/Be-solid/in.Be-solid.spe:15:communicate single vel yes
single vel yes
single vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/tri/in.tri.srd:40:communicate multi group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/box/in.box:70:communicate multi group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/box/in.box.mp:70:communicate multi group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/star/in.star:70:communicate multi group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/star/in.star.mp:70:communicate multi group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/ellipsoid/in.ellipsoid:78:communicate multi group
big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/ellipsoid/in.ellipsoid.mp:78:communicate multi
group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/line/in.line.srd:41:communicate multi group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/dimer/in.dimer:67:communicate multi group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/dimer/in.dimer.mp:67:communicate multi group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/poly/in.poly:75:communicate multi group big vel yes
examples/ASPHERE/poly/in.poly.mp:75:communicate multi group big vel yes

find src/ -name '*.*' -type f -exec grep -nH -e 'communicate.*vel' {} +

src/pair_dpd.h:74:Use the communicate vel yes command to enable this.
src/GRANULAR/pair_gran_hooke_history.h:96:Use the communicate vel yes
command to enable this.
src/SRD/fix_srd.h:279:Use the communicate vel yes command to enable this.
src/FLD/pair_lubricateU_poly.h:69:Use the communicate vel yes command
to enable this.
src/FLD/pair_lubricate_poly.h:48:Use the communicate vel yes command
to enable this.
src/FLD/pair_lubricateU.h:104:Use the communicate vel yes command to
enable this.
src/FLD/pair_lubricate.h:89:Use the communicate vel yes command to enable this.

LAMMPS: b2fa4e6

think I got them all - thanks for the careful check …
