About input script

Hello,I met two questions when I run the data file and the input script. First is “cannot open file data**”. Second is “invalid angel style”,and the angle style is sdk. If you can help me,I will appreciate it very much.

Yazhou liu

Dear Yazhuo

Hello,I met two questions when I run the data file and the input script.

First is "cannot open file data**".

This is an error in your input script. You told LAMMPS to open a file
named "data**". There is no file named "data**".

Second is "invalid angel style",and the
angle style is sdk. If you can help me,I will appreciate it very much.

invalid angle style?

It sounds like you did not compile LAMMPS with the USER-CG-CMM package
enabled. Check out this web page for help:


make yes-user-cg-cmm