About the band setting issue

Dear @alex
I noticed that the band properties and bandgaps output in the amset.log file are inconsistent with what I set in settings.yaml. Is this correct?
Looking forward to your reply!

Can you paste (not screenshot) the full log file?

Dear ALEX,
This is the output file I calculated, please help me check if there are any errors.

         /$$$$$$  /$$      /$$  /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$$
        /$$__  $$| $$$    /$$$ /$$__  $$| $$_____/|__  $$__/
       | $$  \ $$| $$$$  /$$$$| $$  \__/| $$         | $$
       | $$$$$$$$| $$ $$/$$ $$|  $$$$$$ | $$$$$      | $$
       | $$__  $$| $$  $$$| $$ \____  $$| $$__/      | $$
       | $$  | $$| $$\  $ | $$ /$$  \ $$| $$         | $$
       | $$  | $$| $$ \/  | $$|  $$$$$$/| $$$$$$$$   | $$
       |__/  |__/|__/     |__/ \______/ |________/   |__/
      Ganose, A. M., Park, J., Faghaninia, A., Woods-Robinson,
      R., Persson, K. A., Jain, A. Efficient calculation of
      carrier scattering rates from first principles.
      Nat. Commun. 12, 2222 (2021)
  amset starting on 03 Nov 2022 at 03:22

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SETTINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Run parameters:
    - scattering_type: auto
    - doping: [1.e+18 1.e+19 1.e+20]
    - temperatures: [300]
    - bandgap: 2.83
    - soc: False
    - zero_weighted_kpoints: prefer
    - interpolation_factor: 50
    - wavefunction_coefficients: wavefunction.h5
    - use_projections: False
    - unity_overlap: False
    - free_carrier_screening: False
    - high_frequency_dielectric: 
        [[  9.38   0.00   0.00]
         [  0.00   9.38   0.00]
         [  0.00   0.00   3.38]]
    - static_dielectric: 
        [[ 11.52   0.00   0.00]
         [  0.00  11.52   0.00]
         [  0.00   0.00   6.30]]
    - elastic_constant: 
        [[  42.0   14.0   15.0    0.0   57.0    0.0]
         [  14.0   42.0   15.0    0.0  -57.0    0.0]
         [  15.0   15.0   32.0    0.0    0.0    0.0]
         [   0.0    0.0    0.0   14.0    0.0   57.0]
         [  57.0  -57.0    0.0    0.0   15.0    0.0]
         [   0.0    0.0    0.0   57.0    0.0   15.0]]
    - deformation_potential: deformation.h5
    - defect_charge: 1
    - compensation_factor: 2
    - pop_frequency: 5.06
    - energy_cutoff: 1.5
    - fd_tol: 0.05
    - dos_estep: 0.01
    - symprec: 0.01
    - nworkers: 8
    - cache_wavefunction: True
    - calculate_mobility: True
    - separate_mobility: True
    - mobility_rates_only: False
    - file_format: txt
    - write_input: False
    - write_mesh: True
    - print_log: True
    - write_log: True

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STRUCTURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Structure information:
    - formula: CsCu3S2
    - # sites: 6
    - space group: P3-m1

    - a, b, c [angstrom]: 5.42, 5.42, 6.76
    - a, b, y [deg]: 90, 90, 120

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BAND STRUCTURE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Input band structure information:
    - # bands: 52
    - # k-points: 69
    - Fermi level: 1.039 eV
    - spin polarized: False
    - metallic: False

  Band gap:
    - indirect band gap: 1.809 eV
    - direct band gap: 1.915 eV
    - direct k-point: [0.00, 0.00, 0.43]

  Valence band maximum:
    - energy: 1.017 eV
    - k-point: [0.00, 0.00, 0.43]
    - band indices: 26, 27

  Conduction band minimum:
    - energy: 2.826 eV
    - k-point: [0.44, 0.00, 0.00]
    - band indices: 28

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTERPOLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Getting band interpolation coefficients
    - time: 0.4421 s

  Interpolation parameters:
    - k-point mesh: 51x51x35
    - energy cutoff: 1.5 eV

  Interpolating spin-up bands 23-31
    - time: 0.4285 s

  bandgap set to 2.830 eV, applying scissor of 1.034 eV

  Generating tetrahedron mesh vertices
    - time: 0.6498 s

  Initializing tetrahedron band structure
    - time: 1.9914 s

  Initializing momentum relaxation time factor calculator

  Initializing wavefunction overlap calculator

  Desymmetrizing k-point mesh
    - Found initial mesh: 9.000 x 9.000 x 7.000
    - Integer mesh: 9 x 9 x 7
    - Using 12 symmetry operations

  Desymmetrizing wavefunction coefficients
    - time: 0.4945 s

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  DOS parameters:
    - emin: -1.07 eV
    - emax: 6.17 eV
    - dos weight: 2
    - n points: 723

  Generating tetrahedral DOS:
    - time: 6.7061 s

  Intrinsic DOS Fermi level: 1.9214 eV

  DOS contains 9.883 electrons

  Calculated Fermi levels:

    conc [cm-3]    temp [K]    E_fermi [eV]
  -------------  ----------  --------------
       1.00e+18       300.0          0.6133
       1.00e+19       300.0          0.5526
       1.00e+20       300.0          0.4823

  Calculated Fermi-Dirac cut-offs:
    - min: 0.214 eV
    - max: 0.516 eV

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SCATTERING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Examining material properties to determine possible scattering 

  Scattering mechanisms to be calculated: ADP, IMP, POP

  Initializing deformation potential interpolator

  Inverse screening length (b) and impurity concentration (N_i):

    conc [cm-3]    temp [K]    b2 [a^-2]    N_i [cm-3]
  -------------  ----------  -----------  ------------
       1.00e+18       300.0     1.99e-04      2.00e+18
       1.00e+19       300.0     1.91e-03      2.00e+19
       1.00e+20       300.0     1.39e-02      2.00e+20

  Initializing POP scattering
    - average N_po: 0.8021
    - w_po: 31.79 2pi THz
    - hbar.omega: 0.0209 eV

  Forking 8 processes to calculate scattering
    - time: 1.5158 s

  Scattering information:
    - # ir k-points: 8063

  Calculating rates for spin-up band 1
    - # k-points within Fermi-Dirac cut-offs: 0
    - time: 0.0398 s

  Calculating rates for spin-up band 2
    - # k-points within Fermi-Dirac cut-offs: 0
    - time: 0.0074 s

  Calculating rates for spin-up band 3
    - # k-points within Fermi-Dirac cut-offs: 0
    - time: 0.0073 s

  Calculating rates for spin-up band 4
    - # k-points within Fermi-Dirac cut-offs: 7109
    - time: 223.9710 s

  Calculating rates for spin-up band 5
    - # k-points within Fermi-Dirac cut-offs: 23057
    - time: 656.6257 s

  Calculating rates for spin-up band 6
    - # k-points within Fermi-Dirac cut-offs: 0
    - time: 0.0068 s

  Calculating rates for spin-up band 7
    - # k-points within Fermi-Dirac cut-offs: 0
    - time: 0.0067 s

  Calculating rates for spin-up band 8
    - # k-points within Fermi-Dirac cut-offs: 0
    - time: 0.0067 s

  Calculating rates for spin-up band 9
    - # k-points within Fermi-Dirac cut-offs: 0
    - time: 0.0066 s

  Interpolating missing scattering rates
    - time: 0.1290 s

  Filling scattering rates [s⁻¹] outside FD cutoffs with:

    conc [cm-3]    temp [K]       ADP       IMP       POP
  -------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------
       1.00e+18       300.0  4.30e+12  3.53e+12  1.18e+14
       1.00e+19       300.0  4.30e+12  1.27e+13  1.17e+14
       1.00e+20       300.0  4.30e+12  3.53e+13  1.17e+14

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TRANSPORT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Calculating conductivity, Seebeck, and electronic thermal 
    - time: 2.0853 s

  Calculating overall mobility
    - time: 1.9224 s

  Calculating individual scattering rate mobilities
    - time: 5.8111 s

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RESULTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Average conductivity (σ), Seebeck (S) and mobility (μ) results:

    conc [cm-3]    temp [K]    σ [S/m]    S [µV/K]    μ [cm2/Vs]
  -------------  ----------  ---------  ----------  ------------
       1.00e+18       300.0   2.48e+02    5.60e+02          15.5
       1.00e+19       300.0   2.05e+03    3.69e+02          12.8
       1.00e+20       300.0   1.75e+04    1.74e+02          10.9

  Mobility breakdown by scattering mechanism, in cm2/Vs:

    conc [cm-3]    temp [K]       ADP       IMP       POP
  -------------  ----------  --------  --------  --------
       1.00e+18       300.0  2.36e+03  2.76e+02  2.03e+01
       1.00e+19       300.0  2.30e+03  6.69e+01  1.99e+01
       1.00e+20       300.0  1.93e+03  3.38e+01  1.75e+01

  Results written to:

  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  Timing and memory usage:
    - interpolation time: 4.5717 s
    - dos time: 7.5069 s
    - scattering time: 885.9223 s
    - transport time: 9.8199 s
    - writing time: 0.1479 s
    - total time: 908.2039 s
    - max memory: 3165.2 MB

  amset exiting on 03 Nov 2022 at 03:37

If you look further down in the log file you can see it applied a scissor operator to the band structure.

Dear Alex,
Thank you for your reply!