Accessing number of bonds in python operated LAMMPS or length of internal LAMMPS data array

Dear LAMMPS Developers,

since I’m facing the same problem right now, has there been any progress achieved on this matter? I want to extract the bond topology to create/delete some distinct bonds by identifying atoms from their bonded neighbors. If I’m running LAMMPS from python (thus in serial) the following code will give me something which works:

Dear LAMMPS Developers,

since I'm facing the same problem right now, has there been any progress
achieved on this matter? I want to extract the bond topology to
create/delete some distinct bonds by identifying atoms from their bonded
neighbors. If I'm running LAMMPS from python (thus in serial) the following

FWIW, you can also launch the python interpreter in parallel (via
pypar or mpi4py).

code will give me something which works:


import numpy as np

bonds = np.array([],dtype=int).reshape(-1,3);

def bond_topology(lmpptr):
  from lammps import lammps
  lmp = lammps(ptr=lmpptr)

  global bonds

  lmp.command("compute bonds all property/local btype batom1 batom2")
  lmp.command("run 0")
  nbonds = lmp.extract_global("nbonds",0)
  b = lmp.extract_compute("bonds",2,2)

  for i in range(nbonds):
    if b[i][0]: bonds = np.vstack([bonds,[b[i][0],b[i][1],b[i][2]]])
  lmp.command("uncompute bonds")

this just works by accident and not by construction. it looks to me,
the straightforward way to address this would be to add a scalar
context to compute bond/local (and other local computes) which then
allows to obtain the desired (and currently inaccessible) information
of the local array lengths.

steve, do you agree? or am i overlooking something?


However, when running python from LAMMPS obviously every MPI proc starts his
own python interpreter and has only his local bond topology making this code
fragment pretty useless since I need the full topology. Maybe someone has
already made a routine like lmp.gather_bonds(...) or something similar to
get the topology from python?

what you see (in the source) is what you get. the philosophy is that
library.cpp is deliberately incomplete and that only then functions
are added to library.cpp, when people have a demonstrated need that
cannot be satisfied differently.
yours certainly fits the bill, however, i am not aware of any effort
to make the topology information available.

in general, please be very cautious when making changes to the bond
topology in LAMMPS. it is quite tricky to do so when running in
parallel. for performance reasons, many parts of LAMMPS assume that
the bond topology does not change, so data structures are initialized
at the beginning of a run. so those need to be updated when changes
are made, and in particularly updated consistently across all parallel
ranks. the (rather recently added) ability to access the python
interface from within a run and thus perform modifications, that were
previously only possible outside a run, has opened the door to a lot
of ways to make the internal state of LAMMPS inconsistent. if you are
using the very latest version of LAMMPS, multiple problematic classes
of interface calls are now prohibited.


Thanks for the prompt reply, Axel!

Assuming I want to extract the topology in a gather_atoms() fashion, in which variable is this info stored? Atom info is in lmp->atom->… but where can I find the bonds? Probably I need furthermore an nlocal counter for the number of bonds, since the number of nlocal does not match the number of local bonds. Maybe you know a function to which I can refer as a blueprint?

Since we’re on the subject, how does the command extract_box() command work? I did several approaches but was not able to extract the periodicity or anything using this command.

Furthermore, thanks for the hints when changing the bond topology. I plan to use create_bonds or delete_bonds (or maybe fix bonds/create) directly from a LAMMPS input script to build new topology and avoid the problems you’ve mentioned. The python function should just identify atom IDs and store them in variables for later use.


Thanks for the prompt reply, Axel!

Assuming I want to extract the topology in a gather_atoms() fashion, in
which variable is this info stored? Atom info is in lmp->atom->… but where
can I find the bonds? Probably I need furthermore an nlocal counter for the
number of bonds, since the number of nlocal does not match the number of
local bonds. Maybe you know a function to which I can refer as a blueprint?

persistent bond information is stored with atoms in the atom class in

those are all per-atom arrays and may be NULL, if the atom style does
not support bonds.

compute_bond_local() uses that information to compile the local bond lists.
thus my suggestion that the approach requiring the least amount of
changes, would be to add a scalar compute function to compute
bond/local, that triggers the local compute, but also stores the
number of local bonds in a scalar number. that would not require any
changes to the library interface. you just query the compute twice
(and the result of the local compute would be cached, so it should
come at no additional cpu cost).

Since we're on the subject, how does the command extract_box() command work?
I did several approaches but was not able to extract the periodicity or
anything using this command.

are you talking about the C interface or the python wrapper?
the C interface should be obvious from the prototype and a look at library.cpp
for python, you would have to create suitably dimensioned and typed
ctype arrays and pass them as arguments.

in python/ you have:

   self.lib.lammps_extract_box.argtypes = \

so you have pointers to an array of 3 doubles for boxlo, boxhi, then
pointers to 1 double for xy, xy, yx, then 3 ints for periodicity and a
pointer to a single int for box_change.

Furthermore, thanks for the hints when changing the bond topology. I plan to
use create_bonds or delete_bonds (or maybe fix bonds/create) directly from a
LAMMPS input script to build new topology and avoid the problems you’ve
mentioned. The python function should just identify atom IDs and store them
in variables for later use.

if you are working on something like this, it is probably advisable to
work off of the unstable branch from github (or bitbucket) and keep
that up-to-date with each patch release.
python support is under active development, and if you stick with an
old version, you may later have a really bad time to port it to the
latest version. doing this incrementally is usually much less effort.
