Accessing structure documents from materials project

Hi there,

I have been working on a code which retrieves XAS documents from the materials project database then uses the material id of the retrieved compounds to retrieve their structure documents. A copy of these sections of the code are provided below:


from emmet.core.xas import Edge, Type
from mp_api.client import MPRester

req_fields = ["material_id", "structure", "composition", "symmetry", "nsites", "sites", "elements", "spectrum"]

with MPRester(MP_API_KEY,use_document_model = False, monty_decode = False) as mpr:
    zn_docs =, 
                          fields = req_fields)
Zn_struct_doc = []
for i in range(len(zn_docs)):
  C = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(Zn_mat_id[i])

What I am finding is that while the list in the Zn structure docs is of the same size as zn_docs, some of the elements are empty. Thus:

  1. Does this mean that not all the materials in the zn-docs list have computed structures?
  2. Is there a problem with the endpoint?

Thanks for reaching out. Do you have an example mp-id that results in an empty element? Also, where is Zn_mat_id defined?

Hello! Thank you for the quick response!

The Zn_mat_id is defined as follows:

Zn_mat_id = [[] for i in range(len(zn_docs))]

for i in range(len(zn_docs)):
    Zn_mat_id[i] = zn_docs[i]["material_id"]

The first 10 entries in the Zn_mat_id list are as follows:


And the corresponding structure docs are as follows:

Run the mp-id from the XAS search through mpr.get_material_id_from_task_id() (see here) and use the resulting mp-id in mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(). That’ll get you the correct mp-id for the ones with the mvc- prefix.

Also, for the benefit of other users stumbling upon this thread, the more pythonic way of writing the loop is

Zn_struct_doc = [
    for doc in zn_docs

@munrojm is the structure in any different from the one returned through get_structure_by_material_id()?

Thank you! I have implemented the new line of code as follows:

Zn_material_ids = [[] for i in range(len(zn_docs))]   
Zn_material_ids_2 = [[] for i in range(len(zn_docs))] 

for i in range(len(zn_docs)):
    Zn_material_ids[i] = zn_docs[i]["material_id"]

for i in range(len(zn_docs)):
    with MPRester(MP_API_KEY) as mpr:
       Zn_material_ids_2[i]  = mpr.get_material_id_from_task_id(Zn_material_ids[i])

This does find the canonical mp ids for all the documents, but I occasionally find the following in the list (see entry 192 and 197):

I am assuming that this is because the task id can’t be found?

Yes, that could be the case. What are the task-ids for these two entries?


The task id for entry 192 is mp-1703 and for 197 it is mp-980062.

It should be the same structure.

– Jason

Hey Matt,

My original XAS rester query is parsed as follows (there seems to a fault with the serializer):


from emmet.core.xas import Edge, Type
from mp_api.client import MPRester

req_fields = ["material_id", "task_ids", "structure", "composition", "symmetry", "nsites", "sites", "elements", "spectrum"]

with MPRester(MP_API_KEY,use_document_model = False, monty_decode = False) as mpr:
    zn_docs =, 

The output from zn_docs[0] is as follows:

What I would like is this (for the same material_id but from the structure rester):

This allows me to compute bond lengths, coordination numbers, etc from the pymatgen structure. It could be that there is a more direct way to calculate this information, but my current workflow is to extract relevant structural information from the structures (in this case Zinc compounds) whose XAS spectra are computed.
