I am running LAMMPS via the Python library and that is going fine. However, I need access to the unwrapped coordinates and box image thermo variables (ix/y/z and x/y/zu), but these seem not to be there. Plain coordinates on the other hand are accessible with lammps_instance.lmp.numpy.extract_atom("x")
I checked if I could write ix and the like to a dump file, and that works normally…
How can I extract the desired variables? Thanks in advance!
The simulation is a simple LJ diffusion example, see below:
variable thermo equal 100
variable duration equal 500
variable L equal 15
variable Lhalf equal $(0.5*v_L)
variable thickness equal 2.0
units lj
atom_style atomic
lattice fcc 0.5
# Create regions to place atoms
variable left equal 0.5*$L-0.5*${thickness}
variable right equal 0.5*$L+0.5*${thickness}
region system block 0 $L 0 $L 0 ${Lhalf}
region boxinside block ${left} ${right} 0 $L 0 ${Lhalf}
region boxoutside block ${left} ${right} 0 $L 0 ${Lhalf} side out
# Create a box with 2 atom types in the region system
create_box 2 system
# Create atoms of type 1 inside the inner region
create_atoms 1 region boxinside
# Create atoms of type 2 inside the outer region
create_atoms 2 region boxoutside
# Set atom masses
mass 1 1.0
mass 2 4.0
# Give initial velocity, T=3.00, seed = 1337
velocity all create 3.00 1337 loop geom
# Choose LJ with 2.5sigma cutoff
pair_style lj/cut 2.5
pair_coeff * * 1.0 1.0 2.5
neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check yes
# Create two groups for computing diffusion coefficients
group light type 1
group heavy type 2
# Measure mean square displacement and diffusion coefficient
compute msd_light light msd com yes
variable diffusion_coeff_light equal c_msd_light[4]/6/(step*dt+1.0e-6)
variable msd_light equal c_msd_light[4]
compute msd_heavy heavy msd com yes
variable msd_heavy equal c_msd_heavy[4]
variable diffusion_coeff_heavy equal c_msd_heavy[4]/6/(step*dt+1.0e-6)
thermo ${thermo}
thermo_style custom step v_diffusion_coeff_light v_msd_light v_diffusion_coeff_heavy v_msd_heavy
fix 1 all nve
compute displace all displace/atom
(LAMMPS version 27Jun2024, Python 3.10.12)