Ask "All pair coeffiecints are not set"

Dear lammps users

I have tried to analyze thermal proerties Grapene on SiO2 with MD.

I run lammps with attached scripts and there was “All pair coeffiecints are not set”.

I changed “pair_coeff” parts several times based on Mailing list but I could not solve it yet.

I really appreciate if you give me any solutions.

I attached my scripts.

Please check these out.


Jaeyoung Jeong


variable time_step equal 0.02
variable time_min equal 10.0
variable temp_set equal 300.0

variable steps_base equal 1.0/{time_step} variable steps_equil equal 1000*{steps_base}
variable steps_run equal 0*{steps_base} variable steps_thermo equal 1*{steps_base}
variable steps_dump equal 0.1*{steps_base} variable steps_min equal 50*{steps_base}
variable steps_func equal 50*${steps_base}

variable seed equal 123456

variable dt equal {time_step} variable t equal {time_step}*step

variable T0 equal 600.0
variable T00 equal 300.0
variable tau_T equal 100*${dt}

variable P00 equal 0.0
variable tau_P equal 1000*${dt}

units metal
boundary p p p

atom_style atomic

group Si type 1
group O type 2
group C type 3

pair_style hybrid tersoff lj/cut 2.5

pair_coeff * * tersoff SiO2.tersoff Si O NULL
pair_coeff * * tersoff C.tersoff NULL NULL C
pair_coeff 1 3 lj/cut 8.890 3.629
pair_coeff 2 3 lj/cut 3.442 3.275

neighbor 2 bin
neigh_modify delay 5
velocity all create {T0} {seed} rot yes sum yes mom yes dist gaussian loop geom

timestep {dt} thermo {steps_thermo}
thermo_style custom v_t temp etotal

fix NPT all npt temp {T00} {T00} {tau_T} iso {P00} {P00} {tau_P}
dump DUMP all xyz 1
dump_modify DUMP element Si O C
run 0

sim.lmp (1.72 KB)

SiO2.tersoff (1.14 KB)

C.tersoff (364 Bytes) (47.7 KB)

Dear lammps users

I have tried to analyze thermal proerties Grapene on SiO2 with MD.

I run lammps with attached scripts and there was "All pair coeffiecints are
not set".

I changed "pair_coeff" parts several times based on Mailing list but I could
not solve it yet.

you should have just read the documentation more carefully. :wink:

you are using tersoff twice, but you defined it only once in the
pair_style setting.
so the second time you do pair_coeff on tersoff, it will wipe out the
first setting and that causes the error.

there is an example with explanations in the documentation:
