Assistance NEEDED for LAMMPS Log file error

I ran a lammps to do the md calculations. Calculated one picosecond duration after stabilising an electrolyte crystal, however I have some strange errors in my log file.

You can see data inserted haphazardly, disordered, misplaced, etc. in some data rows of the log file. I’m only running one MPI process, so theoretically there shouldn’t be multiple processes doing I/O at the same time to cause errors in the file. Please help!

ps. As I am a new user of the website, it prevent me from uploading files, so I’m sorry to use the coding block to show some of the code.They are the input file and submit file to the slurm system.If you need more information, plz let me know.

# LAMMPS input script for NVT run

# temperature
variable        T equal   1000

# initialization
units		metal
atom_style	charge
neigh_modify	delay 0 every 1

atom_modify   map yes
newton        on

# simulation box
box             tilt large
read_data       data_Li3YCl6-2_2_3
#group           na type   1

# force field
pair_style mace no_domain_decomposition
pair_coeff * * /home/chenggui2/scratch/mace/model/ Li Y Cl

#----------------------Run Minimization-------------------------
reset_timestep    0
dump              1 all custom 100 ./dump.* id type x y z
thermo            1
thermo_style      custom pe cella cellb cellc cellalpha cellbeta cellgamma vol density press etotal

fix               1 all box/relax aniso 0.0 vmax 0.001
min_style         cg
minimize          1e-15 1e-15 5000 5000

# create v and ensemble setup
velocity        all create $T 49459 mom yes rot yes dist gaussian
timestep        0.001 #set this to avoid atom loss in equilibration run

# equilibration run
reset_timestep  0
unfix  1
fix             2 all nvt temp 1 $T $(100.0*dt) # iso 1.0 1.0 $(1000.0*dt) #x 1 1 1 y 1 1 1 z 1 1 1
thermo          1000
run             10000

unfix           2
fix             3 all nvt temp $T $T $(100.0*dt) # iso 1.0 1.0 $(1000.0*dt)
thermo          1000
run             10000

# data gathering run
reset_timestep  0
timestep 0.001

## compute msd
#compute         msdl na msd com yes
#variable        msdx equal c_msdl[1]
#variable        msdy equal c_msdl[2]
#variable        msdz equal c_msdl[3]
#variable        msdt equal c_msdl[4]
#fix             4 all vector 10 c_msdl[4]
thermo_style custom step temp etotal vol density #v_msdx v_msdy v_msdz v_msdt
thermo          1000
run         1000000
#SBATCH --partition=gpu_v100s
#SBATCH -J md_nvt1000K
#SBATCH --nodes=1                # 1 computer nodes
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4      # 1 MPI tasks on EACH NODE
##SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1        # 4 OpenMP threads on EACH MPI TASK
#SBATCH --gres=gpu:1            # Using 1 GPU card
#SBATCH --mem=20GB               # Request 50GB memory
#SBATCH --time=3-00:00:00        # Time limit day-hrs:min:sec
#SBATCH --output=slurm.%j.out   # Standard output
#SBATCH --error=err    # Standard error log

module unload intelmpi
module load openmpi/4.1.5_gcc mkl/2020.4 cuda/12.1.0
### cudnn
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/cm/shared/common_software_stack/packages/cudnn/cudnn-"
export CPATH="$CPATH:/cm/shared/common_software_stack/packages/cudnn/cudnn-"
export LIBRARY_PATH="$LIBRARY_PATH:/cm/shared/common_software_stack/packages/cudnn/cudnn-"

source /home/chenggui2/scratch/anaconda3/bin/activate mace
export PATH=/home/chenggui2/scratch/lammps/build/:$PATH

mpirun -np 1 lmp -k on g 1 -sf kk -in in.nvt_1000K
LAMMPS (28 Mar 2023 - Development)
KOKKOS mode is enabled (src/KOKKOS/kokkos.cpp:107)
  will use up to 1 GPU(s) per node
  using 1 OpenMP thread(s) per MPI task
package kokkos
# LAMMPS input script for NVT run

# temperature
variable        T equal   1000

# initialization
units		metal
atom_style	charge
neigh_modify	delay 0 every 1

atom_modify   map yes
newton        on

# simulation box
box             tilt large

How do you run LAMMPS? Are you using the GUI?

Because I’ve also noticed that, when running the LAMMPS-GUI, if one click on the “log” (or “Output”) windows during the simulation, it creates lines that resemble yours…

I used the command line and console instead. But you just reminded me that I did run the tail or cat command during the simulation. I’m not sure if that’s the issue, though I always thought any ‘read’ commands wouldn’t interfere with file writing, but now it seems like that might not be true.

I will try another test simulation right now, and try to not using any I/O command until the work is done. Hope it can show us the reason.

From the screenshot I would rather say, that you are missing data.
You have the log until step 65800; that line is printed incomplete, and then it continues with step 67300.

This would suggest that there could be a problem with the (parallel?) file system on the cluster that you are using. You could try make LAMMPS tell the file system to synchronize buffers for every line of thermo output with:

thermo_modify flush yes

Please note, that this can impact (parallel) performance for frequent output (which doesn’t seem to be the case here).

An even more drastic approach would be to bypass stdio buffering altogether for screen and log output using the -nonbuf command line flag.

If the issue is not resolved by either, you should contact the system admins.

This is a different issue. The job was obviously run on a batch system and with a custom executable.

The LAMMPS-GUI issue should be fixed by this commit Collected small changes and fixes by akohlmey · Pull Request #4357 · lammps/lammps · GitHub

I just now updated the Linux binary test package at the location I communicated previously. Please give it a try and let me know if it is still possible corrupt the log window data.

Thanks, Axel. I just made a quick test, and it works nicely now.

Thanks, Axel. My quick test show it works nicely right now.