I have a dataframe with just one column comprising the structures of some materials. The dataframe is indexed with their cif_id. I was simply testing out some featurizers, such as the BagofBonds and I get a ‘specie’ error.
I am guessing this is from the sites containing elements, not species. I think there is some sort of method in pymatgen you can apply for each structure, like decorate_oxi_states or something similar which will allow you to run the BoB featurizer!
This is what I got. I couldn’t upload a pickled dataframe since I’m a new user so I’m putting it here on google drive if you need it.
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [58], in <cell line: 32>()
29 #from matminer.featurizers.structure import BagofBonds
31 featurizer = BagofBonds()
---> 32 ftr = featurizer.fit_featurize_dataframe(df_structure_copy.iloc[0:5, :], 'structure')
File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\matminer\featurizers\base.py:272, in BaseFeaturizer.fit_featurize_dataframe(self, df, col_id, fit_args, *args, **kwargs)
270 if fit_args is None:
271 fit_args = []
--> 272 return self.fit(df[col_id], *fit_args).featurize_dataframe(df, col_id, *args, **kwargs)
File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\matminer\featurizers\structure\bonding.py:535, in BagofBonds.fit(self, X, y)
519 def fit(self, X, y=None):
520 """
521 Define the bags using a list of structures.
533 self
534 """
--> 535 unpadded_bobs = [self.bag(s, return_baglens=True) for s in X]
536 bonds = [list(bob.keys()) for bob in unpadded_bobs]
537 bonds = np.unique(sum(bonds, []))
File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\matminer\featurizers\structure\bonding.py:535, in <listcomp>(.0)
519 def fit(self, X, y=None):
520 """
521 Define the bags using a list of structures.
533 self
534 """
--> 535 unpadded_bobs = [self.bag(s, return_baglens=True) for s in X]
536 bonds = [list(bob.keys()) for bob in unpadded_bobs]
537 bonds = np.unique(sum(bonds, []))
File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\matminer\featurizers\structure\bonding.py:574, in BagofBonds.bag(self, s, return_baglens)
572 for i, si in enumerate(sites):
573 for j, sj in enumerate(sites):
--> 574 el0, el1 = si.specie, sj.specie
575 if isinstance(el0, Specie):
576 el0 = el0.element
File ~\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pymatgen\core\sites.py:79, in Site.__getattr__(self, a)
77 if a in p:
78 return p[a]
---> 79 raise AttributeError(a)
AttributeError: specie
I think you’re correct. When I used .species on different members of the dataframe, I got an attribute error for the first two but not the third. Instead I get a list:
[Element Fe,
Element Fe,
Element Fe,
I was testing the OrbitalFieldMatrix and that gave the same attribute error for the first two but threw out a result for the next ones.