
I want o know why I do not get 2 types of atoms in dump.cfg file after running input script with below:

dump 1 all cfg/uef ${dint} …/dumps/dump.*.cfg mass type xs ys zs id

From the dump command documentation:

The list of atom attributes for style cfg must begin with
either “mass type xs ys zs” or “mass type xsu ysu zsu” since these
quantities are needed to write the CFG files in the appropriate format
(though the “mass” and “type” fields do not appear explicitly in the

Thanks for the reply.
It will be great if I can get further clarifications on this.
I also went through the lammps documentation as advised.
This is a beadspring system ,type 1 normal beads,type 2 stickers.

What I understand is this shows the type as C and do not show type 1 and 2.
I want to know how can correct the input script so that it will show type 1 and 2 instead of C in dump.cfg.

Thanks & Regards,

C is the element and not the type (which is a number in LAMMPS). To change those element representations (default is “C” as you can see) you need to use the dump_modify command — LAMMPS documentation

Got it. Thank you