Bug of new MP APIs?

Hi, I’m trying to query the stable phases of Li-Fe-P-O system with the following script that implements new MP APIs

from mp_api.client import MPRester
oen=mpr.get_entries(chemsys_formula_mpids='Li-Fe-P-O',additional_criteria={"is_stable": True})

However, it comes up with the following errors:

ImportError: cannot import name ‘unicode2str’ from ‘monty.string’ (/home/jin/bin/anaconda3/envs/newpmg/lib/python3.9/site-packages/monty/string.py)

The versions of MP-API and monty are 0.39.3 and 2023.11.3, respectively.

unicode2str has been removed from monty a while ago. I unfortunately can’t reproduce this error with mp-api==0.39.4, monty==2023.11.3, and pymatgen==2023.11.12. Try double-checking the versions installed in your environment.