I would like to build lammps with libgpu support in single precision on V100 nodes. I am using the following cmake command:cmake -DPKG_GPU=on
-DMPI_CXX_COMPILER=(which mpicxx) \
-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=(which mpicxx)
and I am running into the following cuda driver error:
Cuda driver error 4 in call at file ‘/nobackupnfs1/gjost/lammpsJun2023-cmake/lammps/lib/gpu/geryon/nvd_timer.h’ in line 98.
Cuda driver error 4 in call at file ‘/nobackupnfs1/gjost/lammpsJun2023-cmake/lammps/lib/gpu/geryon/nvd_timer.h’ in line 99.
It works fine with Kokkos in double precision. Hase anybody seen this problem before or is there a glaring mistake in my cmake command?
Thanks in advance for any pointers, Gabriele