Can atomsk CFG file be generated by lammps code

Respected Sir,

CFG file generated by lammps code has a different format than that of atomsk software (CFG). With the help of lammps code, I want to generate cfg file of atomsk type format such as given below:-

Number of particles = 375669

Voronoi polycrystal with 16 grains

A = 1.000000000 Angstrom (basic length-scale)
H0(1,1) = 160.00000000
H0(1,2) = 0.00000000
H0(1,3) = 0.00000000
H0(2,1) = 0.00000000
H0(2,2) = 160.00000000
H0(2,3) = 0.00000000
H0(3,1) = 0.00000000
H0(3,2) = 0.00000000
H0(3,3) = 160.00000000
entry_count = 4
auxiliary[0] = grainID
0.16095781 0.18380183 0.35694450 0.10000E+01
0.14854797 0.17903079 0.34886779 0.10000E+01
0.13999094 0.19027638 0.35537270 0.10000E+01
0.12758110 0.18550535 0.34729600 0.10000E+01
0.19433451 0.18209830 0.36659300 0.10000E+01
0.18577748 0.19334389 0.37309792 0.10000E+01
0.17336764 0.18857286 0.36502121 0.10000E+01
0.15160935 0.19624493 0.37893940 0.10000E+01
0.16481061 0.19981845 0.37152612 0.10000E+01
0.15240077 0.19504742 0.36344941 0.10000E+01
0.13919951 0.19147390 0.37086269 0.10000E+01
0.13064248 0.20271949 0.37736760 0.10000E+01
0.14384374 0.20629301 0.36995433 0.10000E+01
0.13143391 0.20152197 0.36187762 0.10000E+01

X-cordinate Y-cordinate Z-cordinate grain ID

Is it possible to generate the .cfg with different format in the lammps code ?

Respected Sir,

CFG file generated by lammps code has a different format than that of atomsk
software (CFG). With the help of lammps code, I want to generate cfg file of
atomsk type format such as given below:-


Is it possible to generate the .cfg with different format in the lammps code

you would have to add a new dump style.
