Changing axes colors of default ASE viewer

Viewing an Atoms object results in white axes lines on a white background, which makes seeing the axes difficult (attached image). Is there a way to change the default color of the axes?

Here’s the code for reproducing this image

from import fcc111
from ase.visualize import view

slab = fcc111('Cu', size=(3, 3, 3), vacuum=10.0)

I am using ASE version 3.23.0 on macOS (Sonoma 14.6.1) via a Jupyter notebook running withing VS Code.


This was reported on Gitlab last week (ASE GUI draws cell and bonds in white by default (#1536) · Issues · ase / ase · GitLab) and is fixed in master (GUI: Explicitly make lines black (!3459) · Merge requests · ase / ase · GitLab).

Best regards

You’re welcome to check that it works and report if there’s any other issue.

!Thanks @askhl. This resolves the issue :slight_smile:

Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 13.42.32

Thank you for verifying.