Hi veld,
I have some remarks regarding generated LAMMPS data files using dpd forcefields.
The order of columns is not consistent with the data files generated using atomistic forcefieds (at leat oplsaa). Using atomistic forcefield, the order of column is “id resid type charge x y z” ; whereas for dpd it is “id type x y z resid charge”.
Charges are not taken into account in dpd .prm files, or I have missed a point. Charges are always 0 even if I change this specific part of .prm files :
# Masses
# type mass name ncons charge comment
* 2 * 2 8 charged
Masses are taken into account. I found a workaround, i.e. I specify charges directly in esh file :
STM *[Bs]([Ph][Tmm][Tma+1])([Ph])*, &
1,STM:2, 1,BUM:2, 1,STE:1, &
2,STM:1, 2,BUM:1, 2,STE:1
You can find attached .prm and .esh files.
aem.prm (1.6 KB)
sebs_aem_w.esh (877 Bytes)