cluster sizes

Dear LAMMPS users ,

How can I have cluster size evolution at a period of time ?
I use cluster/atom , chunk/atom and also property/chunk commands for cluster size calculation .

When I use fix ave/time command i can have number of clusters and their sizes but I want to have just size of them at simulation time.

Thanks in advance .

Dear LAMMPS users ,

How can I have cluster size evolution at a period of time ?
I use cluster/atom , chunk/atom and also property/chunk commands for
cluster size calculation .
When I use fix ave/time command i can have number of clusters and their
sizes but I want to have just size of them at simulation time.

​if you average only over 1 step, you get the instantaneous cluster sizes.


Dear Axel ,

Can you please give an example about this kind of averaging ?
I want to calculate size of clusters that probably will be created along simulation time .

Best ,

See Section howto 6.23, the last example (5).


Dear Steve ,
Thanks for your reply.
With using of that example ( you addressed it to me ) I can get cluster size for my system .
Actually I want to use The mean first-passage time in my system so I need to have cluster size evolution per time but I can’t extract it from fix ave/histo !
I have attached an example of what I want to have with it’s process and also my fix ave/histo command results with this Email.

This is also a part of my input file :

compute cluster all cluster/atom 4.0 # STILLINGER Radius
compute cc1 all chunk/atom c_cluster compress yes
compute size all property/chunk cc1 count
variable temperature equal temp
fix 3 all ave/histo 10 1 1000 -57.0 53.0 100 c_size mode vector ave running beyond ignore file tmp.histo

Thanks for your attention.
Best ,

tmp.histo (1.4 MB)



If you use fix ave/histo with 10 1 1000, then every 1000 steps

you will get a histo of the current cluster sizes, with no

effective time averaging. Isn’t that what you are calling "cluster size evolution

per time" ?
