Color trajectory using property value


I am trying to track one atom from multiple dump files generated using LAMMPS. I am using ‘Generate trajectory lines’ feature of OVITO to generate the trajectory of that atom I am interested in. Now I want to color the trajectory line based on some property of that atom, e.g., potential energy. For that, I am creating a ‘Compute property’ in the ovito pipeline. But that property is not accessible within the ‘Source property’ of the ‘Generate trajectory lines’. Only properties available are ‘Position.X, Position.Y, Position.Z. Time and Section’. See the attached image.

Any suggestion how to solve this?


I just tested the process on my machine, and it appears to work correctly. I used the latest version of OVITO, whereas your screenshot seems to show an older version. There have been some changes to the lines data model, so you may need to update OVITO to a newer version.

A few other things you might want to check:

  • Is the “Operate on” field in the Compute Property modifier set to “Particles”?
  • Did you check the “Sample a particle property” option in the Generate Trajectory Lines modifier?
  • Did you select your computed property in the “Sample a particle property” drop-down menu?
  • You can try using the Color Coding modifier with “Operate on” set to “Lines: Particle Trajectories” to color based on your property.

After activating the " Sample a particle property" option, I can access the particle properties to color the trajectory.
Thanks for your help!
