Combine spatial binning and construc surface modifier

Dear all:
Is it possible to bin the void data (i.g. void numbers ) calculated from the Construct Surface Modifier? Seems the Spatial binning Modifier only accepts atomic properties as inputs. @stukowski . the key point is to associate identified voids with individual atoms, is that possible in OVITO? I can do Python scripting, however need some inspiration.
Thanks in advance

Here’s a couple of features that you might find helpful:

  1. If you select <None> as input property to the Spatial binning modifier in OVITO Pro, the modifier will take uniform 1 as input value for all particles. This can be useful for counting the number of particles in each bin or calculating the number density of particles.
  2. When using the alpha-shape algorithm in the Construct Surface Mesh modifier, OVITO Pro provides an additional option Map particles to region.

Thank you Kalcher, the map to region option in Ovito Pro generates an index of regions which a particle belongs to, however, what I need is the spatial location of the empty region itself. if there are ways to solve that, please let me know.

Yes, through the Python API you have direct access to the vertices of the triangle mesh, which you could e.g. use to calculate the center of mass of each empty region.