Hello exciting community,
I hope everyone is doing well. I have a question regarding the species files. I am simulating LiNbO3, and exciting generates this initial Li and Nb species files:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <spdb xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../xml/species.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
> <sp chemicalSymbol="Li" name="lithium" z="-3.00000" mass="12652.66897">
> <muffinTin rmin="0.100000E-04" radius="1.7000" rinf="29.9495" radialmeshPoints="250"/>
> <atomicState n="1" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="false"/>
> <atomicState n="2" l="0" kappa="1" occ="1.00000" core="false"/>
> <basis>
> <default type="lapw" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="false"/>
> <custom l="0" type="apw+lo" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
> <lo l="0">
> <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
> <wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
> <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-1.8784" searchE="true"/>
> </lo>
> </basis>
> </sp>
> </spdb>
> ~
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<spdb xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../xml/species.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<sp chemicalSymbol="Nb" name="niobium" z="-41.0000" mass="169357.9703">
<muffinTin rmin="0.100000E-04" radius="2.0000" rinf="27.0044" radialmeshPoints="400"/>
<atomicState n="1" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
<atomicState n="2" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
<atomicState n="2" l="1" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
<atomicState n="2" l="1" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="true"/>
<atomicState n="3" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
<atomicState n="3" l="1" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="true"/>
<atomicState n="3" l="1" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="true"/>
<atomicState n="3" l="2" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="true"/>
<atomicState n="3" l="2" kappa="3" occ="6.00000" core="true"/>
<atomicState n="4" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="false"/>
<atomicState n="4" l="1" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="false"/>
<atomicState n="4" l="1" kappa="2" occ="4.00000" core="false"/>
<atomicState n="4" l="2" kappa="2" occ="3.00000" core="false"/>
<atomicState n="4" l="2" kappa="3" occ="1.00000" core="false"/>
<atomicState n="5" l="0" kappa="1" occ="1.00000" core="false"/>
<default type="lapw" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="false"/>
<custom l="0" type="apw+lo" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
<custom l="1" type="apw+lo" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
<custom l="2" type="apw+lo" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
<lo l="0">
<wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
<wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
<wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-2.1446" searchE="true"/>
<lo l="1">
<wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
<wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="0.1500" searchE="true"/>
<wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-1.3224" searchE="true"/>
How can I include Li core 1s, Nb semicore 4s, and 4p electrons in the self-consistent field calculation? Sorry if my question seems confusing