I want to create a square shape molecule in LAMMPS. The shape of the molecule is defined in a different file. For calling it in the script I have written the following code:
Pour 2d granular particles into container
dimension 2
lattice sq 0.95
atom_style sphere
boundary f fm p
newton off
comm_modify vel yes cutoff 2.5
fix prop all property/atom mol ghost yes
region reg block 0 100 0 50 -0.5 0.5 units box
create_box 1 reg
molecule object molecule.vshape
create_atoms 1 single 10 40 0 mol object 45677
But the error in the cmd is : ERROR: Invalid atom type in create_atoms mol command
May I know how to deal with this problem? I am attaching a picture of the molecule. Thank you.
Yeasir Mohammad Akib
MS Student