I have a workflow that looks like this:
At start I have enough information to write fireworks A, B and C.
B generates additions B’,B1,B2,B3,B4…
C generates additions C’,C1,C2,C3,C4…
B’ is a child of B1,B2,B3,B4…
C’ is a child of C1,C2,C3,C4…
B’ generates additions B’’,B’1,B’2,B’3,B’4…
C’ generates additions C’’,C’1,C’2,C’3,C’4…
B’’ is a child of B’1,B’2,B’3,B’4…
C’’ is a child of C’1,C’2,C’3,C’4…
The number of generated fireworks at each step is not constant.
A is dependent on B’’ and C’’. However, as B’’ and C’’ don’t exist at the start of the workflow I can’t write A with them as parents. I also can’t generate A off of B’’ for example because I don’t know if C’’ is finished or not.
I can get around this by running a while loop outside fireworks and looking for files I expect B’’ and C’’ to generate and adding A when those are available. But is there a way to handle this inside fireworks?