Derivatives of total potential energy

I'm writing a paper on surface tension right now too using LAMMPS. I
suggest that you:

1. Use kspace style Ewald/n for long-range corrections for the LJ
fluid (or just use a long cutoff)

2. Use the mechanical definition of surface tension: gamma =
0.5*Lz*(<Pn> - <Pt>) where the normal pressure Pn=Pz and the
tangential pressure Pt=0.5*(Px+Py). You can easily calculate the
pressure tensor in LAMMPS using something like this:

compute pt all pressure thermo_temp
fix 1 all ave/time \{Nevery\} {Nrepeat} ${Nfreq} c_pt[1] c_pt[2]
c_pt[3] file ptensor.txt

Take a look at the following reference for more details on using the
mechanical definition of surface tension:

Alejandre, J.; Tildesley, D. J. & Chapela, G. A.
J. Chem. Phys., 1995, 102, 4574-4583


I appreciate your suggestion.
I did this few weeks ago excluding the first step, although my cutoff was about 5*sigma for the LJ fluid. FYI, I had an elongated simulation box with a stable liquid slab in the middle and 2 vapor phases on each side. The problem was when I used fix ave/spatial to get Pz as a function of z, where z is the direction normal to the interface, I saw that Pz is not the same everywhere. At both interfaces, there was a pick in Pz plot. Physically, I expect Pz to be the same across the interface. That’s why I decided to calculate Pz (or say gamma) numerically. You can guess the very first thing that I did was waiting more with a hope to see the pick is damped. Didn’t happen though…

Also, This Pz is somehow the vapor pressure, isn’t it? But I couldn’t reproduce Marcus Martin’s (TraPPE force field) vapor pressure for n-alkanes while vapor and liquid densities were successfully reproduced.

Any help/suggestion is appreciated. Thanks.

I appreciate your suggestion.
I did this few weeks ago excluding the first step, although my cutoff was
about 5*sigma for the LJ fluid. FYI, I had an elongated simulation box with
a stable liquid slab in the middle and 2 vapor phases on each side. The
problem was when I used fix ave/spatial to get Pz as a function of z, where
z is the direction normal to the interface, I saw that Pz is not the same
everywhere. At both interfaces, there was a pick in Pz plot. Physically, I
expect Pz to be the same across the interface. That's why I decided to
calculate Pz (or say gamma) numerically. You can guess the very first thing
that I did was waiting more with a hope to see the pick is damped. Didn't
happen though...

The pick you see in your Pz plot is expected. Using fix ave/spatial
amounts to the Harasima contour, which won't give you the straight
line in Pz you expect; you would need to use the Irving-Kirkwood
contour instead (hard to do in LAMMPS). However, this doesn't matter
because total amount of surface tension is *completely independent* of
this pick, and you can still use the formula I suggested.

Also, This Pz is somehow the vapor pressure, isn't it? But I couldn't
reproduce Marcus Martin's (TraPPE force field) vapor pressure for n-alkanes
while vapor and liquid densities were successfully reproduced.

The *volume-averaged* value of Pz is also independent of the pick and
will also be equal to the vapor pressure. I'd check to make sure
1. You divided by the correct volume (of the bin)
2. You properly included the kinetic part of the pressure tensor

In short, trying to obtain an accurate local (position-dependent)
pressure tensor or surface tension is troublesome, but when you
average over the entire system it is relatively easy. I have lots of
references for this subject--let me know if you have further


Yes, as you are saying, I have got to be more careful about the spatial averages. I was multiplying ave(Pz) by ave(number density) of each bin and assuming that it should be z dependent vapor pressure. To check that, I summed over number density across the interface and multiplied that by total volume. The result, I assumed, should be total number of atoms in the system which was not. That’s probably why I couldn’t reproduce vapor pressure.
Thanks for your help. For the sake of educational purposes, I will update this post with my future results.

Right, another good way to check your results is to calculate the
pressure using both "compute pressure" and "fix ave/spatial" and make
sure that they match up.


Now I can reproduce TraPPE results for both vapor pressure and surface tension of Methane and Ethane. As you mentioned the cutoff distance has to be large enough (at least 6*sig for LJ system) and one has to add the “NORM SAMPLE” keyword to the fix ave/spatial command. When averaging over bins, it is necessary to obtain results consistent with Lammps built-in function for P calculation.
Thanks for your comments.

For Lammps users: to read a description on what “Norm Sample” keyword does, one can refer to Lammps manual, FIX ave/spatial command.