Different behaviour of fix adapt for single instantce vs. multiple instances with python variable

Dear expert users,
I am having a system of oscillating dimers, where I change the dimer’s bond length stochastically. There was no straightforward way to do so, as it included a variable from the previous time. Therefore, I achieved this using python variable and fix adapt. I am pasting below the snippet from my script for your reference.

variable randseed equal ceil(random(1423,8674437,1590))
variable        job equal 0
variable       rand equal 0.1*(100*dt)+(sqrt(100*dt*2*0.1)*normal(0.0,1.0,${randseed}))
label           start
variable        ens loop 0 50
print           "-----------------------------------------------------XXX${ens}XXX-----------------------------------------------"
variable        sum1 python phase1
python          phase1 input 1 v_rand return v_sum1 format ff here """
def phase1(a):
 global gsum1
 gsum1 = gsum1+a
 return gsum1
variable        sum2 python phase2
python          phase2 input 1 v_rand return v_sum2 format ff here """
def phase2(a):
 global gsum2
 gsum2 = gsum2+a
 return gsum2
#and so on "n" python variables for "n" number of dimers with "n" bonds
#I invoke python varaibale via fix adapt written in "myadapt.txt"
label           bonds
variable        bondN loop 1 ${ndimers}
set             mol ${bondN} bond ${bondN}
variable       bond${bondN} equal 1.5+0.5*sin(v_sum${bondN})
next            bondN
jump            SELF bonds
include         "myadapt.txt"
# "myadapt.txt" has following instantiation
fix bondadjust all adapt 1956 &
bond harmonic r0 1 v_bond1 &
bond harmonic r0 2 v_bond2 &
bond harmonic r0 3 v_bond3 &
bond harmonic r0 4 v_bond4 &
bond harmonic r0 5 v_bond5 &
bond harmonic r0 6 v_bond6 &
bond harmonic r0 7 v_bond7 &
bond harmonic r0 8 v_bond8 &

Simulation runs fine, and I could see fluctuations in my dimer’s bond length.
But, the difference appears in my simulation for similar simulation setting but if I replace my single instance of “fix adapt” with the following code of “n” fix adapt instances:

label           bonds
variable        bondN loop 1 ${ndimers}
set             mol ${bondN} bond ${bondN}
variable       bond${bondN} equal 1.5+0.5*sin(v_sum${bondN})
fix             adapt${bondN} gM adapt 100 bond harmonic r0 ${bondN} v_bond${bondN}
next            bondN
jump            SELF bonds

I could not find a reason for such a behaviour, where I have similar python variables but they behave differently when invoked via a single fix adapt insatnce, versus invoking via “n” different fix adapt instances.