Discrepancy elastic constants


I use the material project database for XRD rietveld refinement, in particular the stiffness tensor. I’ve noticed recently the elastic constants given for some materials have changed.

For Nb (https://next-gen.materialsproject.org/materials/mp-75?chemsys=Nb), for example, the stiffness tensor displayed changed quite drastically, but if I click “visualize this elastic tensor with the ELATE tool” it displays a different stiffness tensor, the same exact one that was displayed on the main page previously. I’m not sure which one should I considered, and what caused the change.

If someone could help clarify this, it would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Hi @cpereira,

We have recently recalculated our elastic data to get tensors which should be more accurate. The ELATE tool is still showing data from the previous set, unfortunately.

– Jason