Does EMC code have limitation on the number of atoms?

I builded a polymer model via EMC code. I found that when the number of atoms in the model is less than ~1 million, the code will generated the data and para files. However, if the model is large than ~1 million, the code will be failed without error and warning.
Does EMC code have limitation on the number of atoms? Or, It is limited only by the computer’s memory or any other hardwares?

Dear user,

Not knowing what exactly you are trying to build, one can say, that in principle there is no limit to the number of atoms other than the amount of free memory of your machine. Normally, EMC will throw an error when no memory is available, which makes me wonder, why you are experiencing the described behavior. Would you be willing to share, what exactly you are trying to build? It would help to pinpoint the cause of your problem.

Thanks Dr. vled. for your timely resposne.
I have solved this problem. It is my computer memory to limited atom scale.
When I changed new machine with a larger memory, the larger model is achieved.

Thanks again!

Best regards